Chapter 38: Deal With It

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Chapter 38: Deal With It

In all his years, Doc had never been afraid of much. He never worried about anything, that is unless it had something to do with Harley. And this definitely had a lot to do with her. The infamous baby blue race car drove out of his inconspicuous trailer with a face of definite anger. He couldn't believe the news once he got it. When he finally got it, and of course finding out over two weeks after the fact is what made him mad the most.

Strip drove right by everyone in the town ignoring every salutation they gave, if they even dared to, and headed straight for Doc. He was not having it.

"I can't believe this.." He said in his signature smooth voice only now it was tinted with betrayal and frustration.

"Let me just explain what happened." Doc tried to reason but Strip drove right past him.

"No no no, I don't want to hear your explanation!" he barked, "I'm well aware of what has happened!" Now, Strip hardly ever shouted. It's never been part of his persona. But now he was beyond upset. And he wasn't afraid to show it.

"Strip, wait!" Doc shouted as he followed after him. "Where you going?"

"You tell me where she went and I'll tell you where I'm going." Strip snapped back without turning around.

"Strip.. I don't know." Doc muttered in a sad tone.

"Well I guess you won't know where I'm going then." Without so much as a glance back at Doc, Strip headed towards the clinic. He swung open the doors and started to look around trying to find anything that could possibly help.

"What are you doing?" Doc asked.

"There's got to be something in here that can give us at least a hint of where she might have gone." Strip continued to rummage through papers and books. He didn't care if he left a mess.

"Don't you think I've already tried that?" Doc scowled as he attempted to fix everything Strip kept messing up.

"I don't care." He scowled back and continued to shuffle through it all.

"Strip, there's nothing. There's nothing here!" Doc said and raised his voice, "I've looked everywhere, she never said where she would have gone!"

"Her room, where is her room!" Strip shouted back, catching Doc slightly off guard.

"It's in the back.." Doc said and watched as Strip, without so much as a hesitation, sprinted towards his niece's room

"There's gotta be something here. A scrapbook, a journal, something.." He said as he looked in shelves for anything. At that point, Doc was getting very frustrated.

"I've tried! There is nothing! Absolutely nothing!" Strip slammed his tire onto the floor, slightly startling Doc.

"Stop saying that! There has to be something!" He now started to sound slightly panicked.

"I'm sorry.." Doc lowered his voice, "but-"

"You sure as hell better be sorry." Strip cut him off and there was a heavy silence as the two looked at each other. Strip scoffed and went back to his search. Doc was very quiet as he thought about what he could possibly say. Just as he was about to speak up, the racecar before him found something. It wasn't anything that could help, but it was still so meaningful. Strip froze as he gazed open a terribly drawing of himself in the middle of a race. Behind that there were more drawings. Childish renditions of himself, Doc, and all the other towns folk were saved in a box. Doc drove up behind him to see what he found and couldn't help but smile warmly at the sight of the old and forgotten colourful sketches.

Fanfic: In The Fast LaneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon