16: The storm a week later

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Chapter 16: The Storm
One Week Later.

Jostling him up from his nap, Harley sprinted passed Sheriff in the clinic and straight to the phone that was riding nonstop.

"Harley!" He snapped and she giggled to herself.

"Sorry, Sheriff." she said then pressed and pedal in front of the phone to answer it. "Heeelloooo!" she shouted into the device. It was met with a laughed out the other end.

"Hey, Har!" Doc said, his voice happy. "Where's Sheriff?" Harley's smile turned frustrated. It seemed he didn't want to talk to her.

"Why?" she asked in a pouty tone.

"I'll talk to you in a minute. I just need to speak to Sheriff real quick, okay?" Doc tried to compromise, and it worked. Harley sighed.

"Okay…" she drove off the pedal and went to get Sheriff. He was already making his slow journey over and she almost ran into him. "Oh! Doc wants to talk to you."

"I'm sure he does, thank you Harley." Sheriff said and went over to the phone with Harley right behind him. "Hello? Doc?"

"Hey, old friend." Doc said. He hadn't talked to anyone back home in three days. He wore a warm smile and held a cheerful tone.

"Hey Doc. How's it been going?" Sheriff asked and Doc sighed tiredly.

"Well… the weather has been put to bay just enough for me to get a call through," Sheriff nodded his hood in understanding. "It's crazy. If never known California to have this kind of weather."

"Yeah, neither have I. Are you in California or Texas?" they both laughed, but Harley stood there clueless, not getting the joke. "So the storm is passing?"

"Yes, the rain has calmed to a drizzle. I'll hopefully be leaving this evening. If the wind doesn't pick up any more that is." Sheriff's smile faded at his plans.

"Doc, please be careful. The roads gonna get rough. And driving at night in these conditions, are you sure?" Doc's expression changed as well,and it was translated into his voice.

"I know, but I've been gone a week. I was supposed to only be gone for three days, four at the most." Doc lowered his tone. "I need to get back now while the weather's calm. How are things back home?"

"Same old, same old." Sheriff said and paused. "But the weather has been strange here too. Lots of wind-"

"I got pushed down the road by it!" Harley chimed in by yelling from behind Sheriff.

"Yes, Harley slid down the road when it picked up real bad earlier today."

"What?" Doc asked concerned.

"Don't worry, she's fine. We got her inside and we've just been in the clinic all day." He glanced back at Harley. "She's doing okay."

"No I'm not! I'm bored!" Harley called back and Doc chuckled.

"It'll be sunny soon enough, just you wait." Doc said in a kind voice making Harley smile happily. "If I leave now," he said addressing Sheriff by his change of tone, "I'll be able to beat the storm and get home safely. I'll be fine, Sheriff. Just watch after Harley for another day. That's all I need." Sheriff sighed at Doc's stubbornness.

"Alright. Drive safe." He said and Doc subconsciously nodded his hood.

"I will. See you guys soon. Love you, Harley." He said and Harley came closer to the phone.

"Love you too! Come back soon!" she said and Doc chuckled. "Bye!"

"Bye Har, bye Sheriff." Sheriff chuckled with him.

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