23: Some Talking

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Chapter 23: Some Talking
Three Years Later: 1997

"Now, what did George Washington do that we continue to do today?" Doc waited for Harley to answer the question, but her mind was not on her studies.

"Huh?" she suddenly snapped back to the here and now. "He, uh..."

"Come on Harley, we've been on this lesson for-"

"I know, I know…" She tried to save herself, but it was hopeless.

"He only had two terms. You can only be president for two terms. Washington started that." Doc said and saw that Harley was only barely listening.

"Uh-huh…" She said as her eyes drifted to the window of the clinic door.

"Harley, what's going on?" Doc said as he closed the history book in front of them.

"What? Nothing. Are we done?" Harley asked as she looked back to Doc. Now at thirteen years old, she was starting to be a teenager. She looked older, she was taller, and she was finally growing into her chubby curves that were now turning into slim angles. But Doc wasn't concerned about that right now.

"Well, seeing that your attention is never going to be on your history lesson, I suppose so." He said and slid the book off to the side of his desk.

"I'm sorry, Doc…" Harley sincerely said then looked away again.

"What's going on?" He asked and she shook her hood. The sun was going down and she was eager for it to be midnight.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." She said, but Doc just looked at her suspiciously.

"Tired? From what?" He asked and she shrugged.

"I'm just tired." Doc continued to look searching for any sign of a lie and any glimpse of the truth. He finally gave up and sighed.

"Okay, then maybe you should go to bed early tonight." Harley looked back up at Doc. "Go ahead and get some rest. I'll be at Flo's if you need anything." Doc kissed the top of her fender and headed towards the door.

"Uh, goodnight, Doc!" Harley called out to him and he waved a tire.

"Goodnight, Har." When he got to the café, only a few of the townsfolk were there. When he drove up, he was first greeted by Sheriff.

"Doc." he said with a nod.

"Sheriff." he said, returning the nod. He went and parked himself beside his old friend.

"What can Flo get for ya?"the owner of the famous café came up to the two worth a big smile.

"Oh, nothing. I'm fine." Doc said. "Thank you."

"If you change your mind, just holler!" she said and drove off to her royal blue husband.

"So, how was the studying today?" Sheriff asked. Doc have a heavy sigh. "That bad?"

"It wasn't necessarily bad," Doc reasoned, "but she wasn't completely there. Her mind has been wondering lately. She listens to less music and more radio talk shows now. And she doesn't care for her studies at all anymore. Sometimes I wonder if she's listening to anything I say." Sheriff couldn't help but chuckle. "What?"

"She's basically a teenager now, Doc. You gotta accept that she's growing up and changing." Doc shook his hood slightly.

"Yes, I know. But… there's just something that's off." He then looked over at Flo and wondered if Harley had talked to her about any of it. "Flo?" he called her over.

"Yes?" she said as she drove across the café to meet them once more.

"Has Harley talk to you recently?" He asked and she laughed.

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