Chapter 33- Final Lap

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Chapter 33: A Final Lap

Harley and Doc drove all the way to Wheel Well whilst talking about anything but racing or anything even closely related to it for that matter. Doc found it odd, but didn't want to bring it up anyway, so he continued to drive. Once to the old rest stop, Harley looked down at her home. Doc drove up behind her and couldn't help but notice the chrome 89 emblem she still wore a year after she first put in on. He smiled and parked beside her.

"It's a lot colder up here than it is in town." Harley said and she took a deep breath of the cool winter air.

"The wind is more prominent up here." Doc commented. They stood in silence until Harley spoke up.

"This is home, isn't it?" She asked, her voice sounded happy, but she only bore a small smile. One that didn't catch in her eyes. Doc took notice.

"Of course it is." He replied, not pushing much with her strange behavior.

"But it's not where we're from.." she said and continued to look at the horizon. The sun was beginning to set.

"No… it's not…" He asked and studied her.

"Sheriff told me why you don't like racing…" She suddenly changed the subject, confusing Doc even more.

"I figured as much." He admitted and Harley glanced up at him.

"You know I like stories… why didn't you ever tell me that one?" She asked.

"I didn't want to frighten you." He lied. Harley began to catch him, but didn't show any sign of her suspicions.

"I understand.." She said and looked away. "Could you tell me one now? About where you're from?" Doc smiled slightly and followed her gaze to the horizon.

"Sure.." He said and searched his mind for some kind of story about "Northwood," a gas station he once got stuck at after he left the racing world.

"Did you ever have a crush on anyone?" She asked, surprising Doc, but he chuckled at the question.

"Well, yes, of course." He admitted.

"What was her name?" Harley didn't wait to ask. Doc paused and thought for a second.

"Lo-, I mean, Lily… Lily Nathaniel." He said, making it up on the spot.

"Was she pretty?" She asked and looked at him again.

"Pretty sassy." He said and went on with looking at the horizon. "She was stubborn, strong-willed. Pretty with an attitude. A loud one at that.." He smiled sweetly, and it was contagious. Harley smiled, knowing that at least this much was true.

"And she was from Northwood?" She asked, Doc nodded.

"We grew up in the same town, one just a little bigger than Radiator Springs. And with much more trees, you'd like it. It was busy, but not too busy. I honestly loved it there. The weather was always nice, except during the window of blazing heat in the summer and freezing cold in the winter, but it never lasted very long.

"Lily was the reason I did a few stupid stunts. Stole some drinks from the bar, drove through the woods with no headlights, drive blind through town even with the cops on my tail." He shook his head and laughed. "Never do that stuff Harley, like I said it was stupid." He quickly asserted. "She was the highlight to Northwood, not just for me, but for many cars. She was the sunlight on a cloudy winter day." Harley smiled, but then dared to raise more questions.

"What happened to her?" She asked. Doc sighed and glanced down, his smile fading.

"Life happened. We grew apart after the crash. I moved on and left that town and found myself here." He said, and Harley took note of it.

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