Chapter 37: Hit the Road

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Chapter 37: Hit the Road

December 18, 2000

Through the night, snow had settled down across the small and desolate town of Russet, Colorado. It shone bright in the morning light, though not bright enough to wake the restful Harley. This would prove to be no issue at all for the old Ryan Lee. In his time, he's seen it all- dealt with all more like. He drove into the room she had chose to settle in. Ryan looked around and, lucky for him, there was a door leading to outside where the snow had kept coming down along with the wind that was still howling and bringing in a cold chill with it. He swung open the door and Harley awoke as the freezing weather came pounding on her.

"Ah! What is this!" She shouted as she drove away from the door completely confused about her surroundings.

"It's snow." Ryan said as he closed the door. "Way down in Arizona, it's not surprising you haven't seen any before." After gathering her composure, Harley finally realized where she was and who she was taking to. The events of the night before then came back to her.

"Oh.." She muttered to herself. "And no. I have seen snow before. It snows in Arizona." She said and looked out the window "Just... not this much.." Ryan scoffed with zero interest in her home town and began to drive out of the room.

"Well are you coming or are you just gonna stay parked there?" He asked from the hallway.

"Oh, right." Harley quickly drove out after the purple mustang. He had lead her back to the kitchen where he already had breakfast ready. It was a hearty breakfast, one that made Harley drool. She hadn't eaten this good in days. She immediately started to chow down, meanwhile, Ryan sipped on some black coffee as he ate a much lighter breakfast on the far and opposite side of the kitchen.

"Since it looks like you have been famished for a couple days. Racing is not going to be on your to-do list for awhile." He said as she ate. "And laps? That's a no too." Harley nearly choked.

"What!" She shouted, spitting some food with her words. "That's so not fair!"

"Is it fair that you ran off from god knows where to find me and ended up tired and hungry?" He asked with raised eye rims. Harley opened her mouth to say something but had no idea what to say. So she shrank back down and continued eating. "S'what I thought." He said and continued sipping.

"So.. then what are we doing?" Harley asked as she took a sip of juice.

"Talking." Ryan said as he looked her up and down. "Talking's all. After all, I don't train strangers." He said and inched closer to her. She then got slightly nervous. "So since we're just talking, I'll start with some questions. Where you from?" Harley swallowed her food and thought about what to say.

"Ra- er." She faked a cough and he again raised an eye rim in suspicion. "I'm from, uh, Auburn." She finally settled on. "I'm from Auburn." Ryan sipped his coffee thoughtfully.

"Thought you said you drove from Arizona.." He noted.

"Y-yes. I did." Harley then insisted. "What's the problem?"

"Well," Ryan started as he pushed his coffee to the side, "It's just I've heard of Auburn, California. But never in my years have I hear of a Auburn, Arizona.." He narrowed his eyes at her. "So which is it, you a cali girl or a desert girl?" Harley slightly panicked but tried to keep her cool.

"A-Arizona." She stuttered out. "I'm from Arizona. You see, there's a town. It's on Route 66, so a lot of cars don't know it's a real thing.." She prayed he bought it. There was a long silence, as he sat there unreadable.

"Route 66.... I've never been down that road in any of my years... So I'll take your word for it." Harley exhaled in relief. "And a name. You got one?"

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