30: Un Mensaje

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Chapter 30: Un Mensaje

Eyeing the newcomer, Doc wasn't sure if the electric blue car was who he thought. That is until he turned and caught his eye. Now having eye contact, the bright blue car smirked and all of Doc's suspicions were confirmed.

"Doc, do you want me to-"

"I can handle this," Doc cut off Sheriff, "The last thing we need is for anything drastic to happen. Why is he here, I'm not sure. But I intend to find out without making a scene." Sheriff gave his friend a nod as Doc went on to serve and maneuver through the crowd of dancing cars.

"Well, if it isn't my old friend!" The blue car said. "Hudson, right? Don, or something like that, right?"

"Doc. It's Doc.." He said once her was close enough to be heard without raising his voice. "What are you doing here, Storm?" Charles gave a chuckle.

"Can't I just come to wish the mini copper a happy birthday?" Doc replied with a scoff. "What, don't belive me?"

"First of all, she doesn't want to be a cop anymore. Second-"

"What does she want to be then?" Doc eyed him. Charles answered hastily, as if he wanted to know for more than just innocent curiosity.

"That's none of your business." he said curtly.

"Hey, no need to get testy." Charles said then looked around. "Where's the kid anyway?" Doc glanced around and found her before Charles could.

"Let her be. It's her party, she doesn't need you to ruin it." Charles looked around and spotted Harley with Miguel, but said nothing about it.

"Hm, okay then." He said then looked back to Doc. "I can tell you're on edge, we've only met once. I've met your cop friend and his sidekick once. This is my second trip to the lil' town. What's the issue I pose?" he asked. Doc again only scoffed.

"The issue is that I don't believe it was a coincidence that you met Sheriff and Harley, found this town," Doc's voice became more serious and suspicious the more he talked, likewise, Charles expression went from sly to hard and dark, "then you just happened to run into me. I also don't think your little roommate, Damien, crashed here with amnesia is a coincidence either."

"Well, you're smarter than I thought you were.." Charles said then pushed passed him and headed for Harley.

"Stay away from her!" Doc said catching a few worried and nervous glances from the crowd.

"Look, I'd love to sit here chat about the whole situation," Charles chuckled slightly, "actually I wouldn't… but anyway, I came here for one reason and one reason only." He paused his treck and gave Doc a wicked glance. "I have a message for the runt."

"Don't call her that.." Doc snarled and chased after him. But he didn't catch him in time.

"Harley!" he said as he neared her. Her gaze turned from adoring Miguel to confused at Charles.

"Um… who are you?" She said and Miguel suddenly became defensive.

"Ey, if she doesn't know you, and I don't know you, then that means you're crashing the party. You don't want to know what we do to cars who crash a Quinceañera…"

"Herly, chill, lil' Camaro. She knows me!" without moving his eyes from Harley, he spoke. "We met a long time ago, remember Har?"

"Don't call her Har!" Doc said as he quickly drove up to the small group.

"Fine, I'll call her Harlita." Charles said looking over to Miguel. "That's what you Mexicans do right? And 'ita' or 'ito' to the ends of our English words to make them yours." Miguel angrily revved his engine.

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