The Reason He Comes Home (Erwin/Daughter! Reader)

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It was another failed expedition. Dozens of dead soldiers were brought home. More were brought home injured. Riots broke out on the street.

So many wives and mothers ran up to him asking why he didn't bring their loved ones home. He didn't answer them. He couldn't.

It was selfish, but every soldier had the same thought.

They were happy to be alive.

Especially, the commander.

Erwin didn't care how much the world hated him. All that mattered was his little sunshine at headquarters. She would be waiting at the front of the castle with that bright smile of her face.

Her laugh was music to his ears. Her smile more beautiful than the sun itself. And her personality pure as an angel.

He would fight a million titans just to see her everyday. His daughter, (Y/n), was the only fragment of his lover that he was allowed to keep.

He kept a picture of her in his pocket every time he went on a mission to remind him that he had a reason to live.

The sight of the castle let himself slip a smile onto his face. He didn't show it but he was excited. The soldiers all dismounted their horses and led them to the stables. Erwin quickly got off his horse and looked around.

He furrowed his (fabulous) eyebrows when he didn't see his daughter. He felt a tap on his shoulder and looked at Hanji.

The scientist gave him a knowing smile.

"Go. I'll take care of your horse."

The commander nodded his thanks and had to resist running off.

He looked everywhere he could think of. The kitchen, the library, the dining hall, he even looked under every table.

Erwin had been looking under a table when he heard Levi.

"Hey, your brat's in the back again."

The tall blonde hit his head and stood up.

"Thank you, Levi."

The raven-headed man nodded and stepped to the side as Erwin passed him.

He should've known that she would be here. They would always visit her every once in a while. As he got closer to his destination, he heard (Y/n) talking. He hid behind a tree as he listened in.

"-I've made a lot of friends lately! Well, they're c-cadets but they're really nice!" She says excitedly. "There's Eren, he's got really pretty eyes except I can never tell what color they are. He's got two best friends, Mikasa and Armin. Mikasa is really pretty and always wears a scarf. Armin likes to read and is really smart. He teaches me new things like how to add, subtract, and lots of other stuff! Oh, I have to tell you about Sasha! She eats like a cow and-"

She keeps going on a rant and tell the gravestone all the recent news. Erwin finally heard her sigh and peeks from his hiding spot.

She's frowning, something that doesn't fit her well, and has a rose in her hand. She places it down at the bottom of the grave and stands up.

"I miss you, and so does daddy. Say hi to grandma and grandpa for me."

Erwin decides to emerge from his hiding spot and tiptoes behind her back.

* * * *

You shriek as your suddenly lifted off your feet and spun around. You grin widely seeing your father and laugh.

"Daddy, you're home!"

He chuckles as he slows his spin. He hugs you close to his chest.

"Yes, I am, sunshine."

He places you back on the ground and you point at the flower.

"Daddy, do you think that mommy likes her flower?"

Your father smiles and nods making your chest swell with satisfaction. You gasp and jump up and down.

"Oh! Daddy, did you bring me something!?"

Your father reaches into his jacket and kneels down to your level.

"Close your eyes," He gently orders.

You immediately obey and try to contain your excitement.

* * * *

Erwin loves the smile that graces her face when she sees her present. His daughter squeals.

"A teddy bear!"

He hands it to her and watches her squeeze it to death. She look up at his with those sparkling eyes and giggles.

"Thank you, daddy!"

He faintly smiles and pulls her in for a hug.

"Of course, sunshine. Happy birthday."

As the little girl in his arms snuggles into his embrace, he looks past her.

He makes a promise. The same promise he makes every time he visits this grave.

He promises to fight and live for the reason he comes home.

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