Possessive, Protective, Same Difference (Erwin)

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(Y/n) woke up, the morning sun blinding her eyes. She yawned and stretched out her arms. Then she noticed the person next to her and roll onto her side to look at them.

She didn't know how someone so intense could look so adorable. His hair was messily hanging over his face, thin shadows covering his closed eyes.

(Y/n) reached over and gently brushed them away. But she let her hand linger on his cheek, letting his warmth soak into her palm.

He mumbled something incomprehensible and she held back a giggle.

She heard a knock at her door and quickly got up to open it. She tightened her nightgown around herself and pulled open the door. Her body froze when she saw her older brother, Erwin, standing there.

She quickly made the gap in the door smaller, hoping to hide the figure sleeping in her bed. (Y/n) nervously smiled at Erwin.

"Morning Erwin."

"Good morning, (Y/n)."

She shifted her feet. "So, do you need something?"

"Yeah, I need to kick Levi's short ass."

She sweat. "Uh, why are you here though?"

He tries to go through the door, scowling. "I know that he's in there, (Y/n). Let me in!"

She struggled to push him back and growl.

"He's. Not. In. Here."

Erwin finally wins the battle and manages to get her out of the way. She staggered back and turned around. She breathed a quiet sigh of relief when she saw that Levi wasn't there.

Her sibling checks all over her room. He tore the sheets off her bed, checked underneath, and yelled in frustration. The commander marched past her, grumbling to himself.

"Little bastard. I'm going to make sure that he cleans the damn stables for the rest of his days!"

He slammed the door behind him and she listened to him marching down the hallway.

After a brief moment of silence, she heard a rapid tapping in her window. (Y/n) gasped when she saw her boyfriend, half-naked on her windowsill.

It would've been funny if he wasn't in plain sight.

She rushed over and let him inside, glancing around to see if anyone was near. He swiftly landed inside and brushed himself off.

"Ugh, your windows are filthy. I'll have to have Eren clean then again."

She laughed and snaked her arms around his waist. "How about we do it later? Eren has been working pretty hard lately."

He turned to around to peck her lips. "Tch, he's lucky that you're here. If you weren't here to nag me all the time then I would have that brat cleaning 24/7."

(Y/n) pouted. "I'm the nagging one? I think you're confused. That's Erwin, not me."

"Shit. He's going to be on my ass for the next few days."

"I'm telling you that it would be better to tell him. It would make things a lot easier. And besides it's going to come out eventually."

He sighed and grabbed one of her hands, kissing her palm. "I know. I just liked having our privacy."

(Y/n) felt her cheeks turn red.

Levi wasn't one to show his affection so openly. The fact that he wanted to keep theif relationship a secret made her feel so happy. She felt herself cry a bit and laugh.

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