My Little Hero (Eren)

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It was funny, almost cute. Eren was always so protective of you even though you were the older sibling. He was the average little brother. He despised every single crush or boyfriend you ever had. If someone made you upset, Eren would track down the person who made you cry and (try to) beat them up. You loved your little brother, he wasn't like any other, he wasn't annoying and had never irritated you.

There was that one time where your friends, at least you thought they were, were talking behind your back. Eren happened to be listening to the conversation...

* * * *

Eren was happily chattering with Armin and Mikasa at his side. They by the bakery, where you worked and went inside. The refreshing scent of freshly baked bread filled their nostrils. All three of the children drooled. Eren walked up to the front counter and knocked on it. Your boss smiled, recognizing his favorite customers.

"The usual?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer.

The three kids bobbed their heads up and down. The boss chuckled and went into the back to get their orders. The kids were patiently waiting when they heard a loud squeaky feminine voice spoke from the side of one of the aisle.

"-you believe it!? The boss let (Name) have a week off! A week!"

"I heard it was because she slept with him!"

"I heard that it was because he felt sorry for her!"

"Poor girl. I can't believe that she actually thinks that we're her friends."

"Yeah, especial-"


Eren materialized near the group of teenagers, pulling his arm back, ready to punch. His eyes were filled with pure anger. How dare they talk about his sister that way? How dare they mock and make fun of her when they don't even know her? How dare they deceive you like that?

Your bright smile flashed in his mind and he grit his teeth.

He let out a yell and threw his fist forward.


You sprinted through the streets, dodging left and right. You had heard that there was some commotion at work and decided to check it out. You ignored your scratchy throat and focused more on running. The bakery's sign brightly stood out and you urged yourself to sprint faster. You slowed your pace down when you heard yelling coming from inside.


Your eyes widened.


You shook your head. What had he gotten himself into this time? You walked through the door and was greeted with the sight of your brother being held back by his friends. No one seemed to notice you and you were about to step in when Eren started screaming.


A familiar laugh came from your left side. That sounded like your friend, (F/n)...

"Please, she's a fake. No normal person just smiles at a grouchy customer. She lies to their faces, saying that it's been a pleasure to have them when she actually complains about them behind their back. I bet she even lied about being sick!"

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