Special (AOT)

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It doesn't make sense how such a wonderful girl such as yourself, came from such a terrible place.

The Underground was the den of thieves, thugs, smugglers, and so much more. The only good thing about it, were those rare innocent children, like you. You were an orphan, raised on the streets.

Ever since you were a child, you loved making jokes. You loved that feeling of pride when you made someone laugh or smile. You knew that people usually felt down because of many things.

You often paid visits to Levi and the others. After a little while, they decided to keep you around. Levi wouldn't admit it or show it, but you were one of the only people who saw and heard his laugh.

It was a normal day, you sat at the table scribbling some sort of doodle on a paper. You heard the door slam open and jumped. Turning your head, you saw your three big 'siblings' standing at the doorway. Looking past them, were men dressed in uniforms and wore green capes. Levi walked over to you and took you by the hand. You glance up at him.

"Levi? What's going on?" You asked, slightly afraid.

The short man gazed at you with those serious eyes.

"We're going away from here," He stated.

He said nothing more and you were led outside of your only home forever.

You noticed your friends' nervous faces and the tension in the air. You found out that they had finally been caught and they were forced to join the Survey Corps. The man walking in front of you, was Commander Smith himself. You didn't like the frowns on Isabel and Farlan. You faintly smiled then obnoxiously started talking loud.

"Hey, Levi?"

"What, brat?"

You look up at him. "Did you know that I had an addiction to soap?"

Levi and the others curiously look at you. You snap your fingers and point at him with a grin.

"But don't worry, I'm 'clean' now!"

The group was quiet for a second then a few men started to chuckle. You smiled when the rest started to laugh. You caught Levi's mouth slightly curve up and your smile grew bigger.

This was what you were good at. You were good at lifting the mood.

You decided that day, that no matter what, you would use your special gift to make others happy. Even if it only lasts for a second.

* * * *

Shadis walked through the lines of cadets with a scowl on his face. The young newbies gulped as they watched Sasha start to run her laps. The commanding officer then looked at the others, his glare making them freeze.

"Anyone else want to join Braus!?" He shouted. (Have no idea if I spelled dat last part correctly...😅)

The sound of clapping came behind him. Everyone looked past the old man and saw a girl the same age as them.

Her (h/c) flowed with the wind as she approached. She kept a straight face but everyone saw the amusement in her bright (e/c) eyes. She stood next to Shadis and crossed her arms.

"Congrats, old man. That's the second time you've had to make someone run on the first day!" She said.

The cadets prayed for the young girl and hoped they wouldn't see her death.

The training director glared but she didn't flinch.

"If I remember correctly, that was you." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are you even here?"

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