Stupid (Jean)

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People are stupid.

It's a fact.

Let's take your younger brother, Jean, as an example.

You were very mature as a young girl so it could've been that trait that judged your brother so harshly. You weren't rude about it, or tried not to be. But, your brother needed to be strong and learn from his mistakes.

You tried your best to be a decent big sister. You were there every time he was stupid and you were there every time some else was stupid enough to mess with him.

* * * *

"Om-e-let! Om-e-let!"

A tick mark appears on your forehead and you have to restrain yourself so that you wouldn't tell him to shut up. Your mother smiles as she walks over with two plates in her hands.

She chuckles. "You really love your omelets, don't you, Jean-Boy?"

As soon as she places the plate down, Jean's eyes widen and sparkle with excitement. You have to admit that you feel the same way. Your mom's omelets were awesome.

You nod and smile with gratitude. "Thanks mom!"

Both you and your brother dig in and devour the omelet within seconds. Your eye twitches when you see a dirty spot on Jean's chin. It disturbed you, so you got up and wiped it off with a napkin.

You frown. "Jean, don't be stupid and make sure you wipe your face!"

Jean's happy mood quickly disappears as soon as he hears the word stupid. You, not knowing that you offended him, hear a knock and your mom open the front door.

"Oh, hello, (random friend)! Are you here to pick (Y/n) up?"

You rush to front door after handing the napkin to your brother. Your best friends are waiting on the porch. You slow down and look at your mother.

"Mom..." You start.

She shushes you and pulls you into her embrace.

"Make sure to write letters everyday, don't be a burden to others, eat healthy, work hard-"


"Sorry. Good luck, (Y/n)."

Your mother lets you go and you turn to leave with your friends. One of them points behind you. You glance over your shoulder and see a small child hiding behind the doorway.

You stare at him, deciding what to say. You had never been good at words and you weren't exactly nice to him.

You knelt down to his level and ruffle his hair. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, okay?"

* * * *

You walked home with a huge smile on your face. You had passed those tough years of training and made it to the top of the list. You were officially a Military Police Officer.

You couldn't wait to get home. Man, mom would be so proud! And Jean...

You slowed your steps. Jean. You wondered how he was doing? Did he grow? Does he still like omelets? Is he still stupid? Well, you knew the answer to the last question.

You snap out of your trance when you hear crying ahead of you. Your mother stood in front door talking to the crying kid. It took you a full minute to process that Jean was the crying kid. Your mom's eyes widened when she saw you.

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