Yes Sir (Final)

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Two months had passed.

HQ didn't feel the same without you.

Cadets no longer put as much effort into their training, there was no point in it if their trainer was dead.

The superior officers who had trained you, Shadis included, found their table empty without your jokes.

Your friends struggled everyday to get up from bed, knowing that they wouldn't see your smile.

And Erwin? The commander tried to block out his grief by overworking himself. Everyday he would not leave his study. Everyday he wouldn't step out to eat. Everyday, Hanji, Levi, or Mike would have to make sure he stayed hydrated and ate.

Cadets saw their leader, depressed and defeated. There was no hope in his eyes, no determination. Which made morale around the whole entire castle crumble to pieces.

* * * *

Your friends, Hanji, Levi, and Mike met on the castle wall to meet. Dark bag were underneath her eyes and looked red and puffy from crying.

Levi looked the same as usual, just colder and meaner, like he couldn't deal with any shit any day. Mike, your brother figure, seemed as stoic as ever, except his orbs had dulled and he looked like a lifeless walking doll. Hanji was obviously exhausted, probably from overworking herself like Erwin.

They all stood in a circle as on the castle wall. Levi looked at Hanji and tched.

"You look like shit, Shitty Glasses."

She weakly smirked, but the amusement didn't reach her eyes.

"So do you, Shorty."

"You both smell like shit," Mike commented.

A tired chuckle waved through them, the feeling not real. Hanji's eyes started to tear up again.

"God, I miss her so much..."

Surprisingly, it was Levi who comforted her. He pulled her into a tight hug and let her cry on his shoulder, even though snot and tears were staining it. Mike sadly watched the two and looked away, unable to look at the sight.

And he found himself staring at the path leading to HQ. His eyes began to play tricks on him as he thought he saw a dark speck come into his vision. At first, he thought it just had to because he was so tired.

Then, he caught the scent. And even though he could smell the dirt and blood, he could still sense it. The familiar smell of vanilla.

He watched in shock as you weakly waved, a strained smile on your face before you collapsed on the road.

He yelled catching the attention of the two others as he started to run for the stairs.


* * * *

You insisted to see him. You needed to see him. Because you knew that he would be a mess.

You knew that he had probably not eaten ever since he heard the news. He's probably been staying in his office doing piles and piles of paperwork just to hide his grief. He's probably not sleeping and if he was, it wouldn't be in the bed you both shared.

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