Yes Sir (Erwin/Reader)

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You had known Erwin for years. Ever since you were kids in fact. You were both the best of friends. Your parents thought you were adorable.

It had been a peaceful day. A perfect day to play outside. And so you did. You and Erwin had made a game where you both pretended to be in the Scouting Legion. He was the commander and you were his second-in-command.

You both wore old Scouting Legion jackets that you had found in the trash and used thin branches as your swords. Erwin stood beside you and shot forward, charging the 'titan' with his weapons. He whacked the sack of wheat with strong strokes with his swords. Then backed away and looked at you.

"(Name), strike its flank!"

You stifled a giggle and did a small salute.


You sprinted forward and slid across the ground and appeared behind the titan. You grunted as you hit the nape of the sack, the sharp ends of your 'blades' cutting through the fabric. Grain poured out from the large hole you created and you looked at Erwin.

A second later he laughed and you felt yourself smile. He ran over to you, dropping the sticks with a grin.

"That was awesome, (Name)!"

You turned red, still smiling.

"Thanks! You were cool too! We're going to be the most awesome team in the Scouting Legion!"

He enthusiastically jumps up and down.

"Yep! And you're going to be my lieutenant! Right, (Name)?"

You giggle and make another salute.


* * * *

"You like him."

You cough, nearly choking on the potato you're eating and glance to your right. He didn't show too many expressions or emotions but Mike was like your big brother.

And like any older sibling, he teased you. There was a small smirk on his lips as your face gradually got warmer.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I can smell you're lying."

You glare up at him.

"You can smell I'm lying? That's creepy, Mike!"

He shrugged. "But it's the truth. You should tell him."

"Since when do you give romantic advice?!"

"I don't."

"Oh my god. I'm going to get some paperwork done. Bye!"

You stand from your seat and march out of the mess hall. You hear Mike call after you.

"You should tell him!"

* * * *

You wake up and immediately notice the coat covering your figure. You could tell from its size who's it was. You yawn and see him sitting on the couch next to your desk.

His head is propped up on his left hand. His eyelids covered his beautiful blue eyes. You blink then mentally slap yourself.

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