Chapter 2

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[Maplesnow's POV]

I watched as Creamspots finally joined us. I took by her side to help her through the forest. It would be a lot quicker if I stayed by her side. She gave me a thankful look from her glassy blue eyes and leaned against me.

"Let's head out. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get back." Witheredsoul said taking the lead with Nightscare following him. I let Volenose go in front of us, and Spiderfang went behind us.

The six of us stayed silent as we went through the trees to EverClan's territory. I made sure that Creamspots didn't trip over any of the branches that were sticking out. Because everything was silent, I looked around carefully. Everything was so beautiful when it was becoming leafbare. It was only the beginning of leaffall, but it was really cold. The leaves had started to turn different colors before leaffall even began. It was just showing how bad this leafbare could be. We should start hunting before everything hibernated, and we had no good.

I looked back to where we were walking and noticed we had passed the border. I hadn't been in the EverClan territory for a while, but I knew the camp wasn't far from the border. We would be there very soon which was good. I didn't want to stay out here too long even though I knew I was going to be helping with the hunting and fighting assignments. Those wouldn't be that hard, I just wanted to help out the small clan.

I knew Volenose was helping with the hunting assignment and I think Nightscare was going to take over for the young tom on the fighting assignment. Witheredsoul and Spiderfang were just here to look nice and made sure we did what we had to and didn't run away. Those were the only reasons she even sent two of them with us. We didn't need two Dark Forest  warriors with us, but I wasn't in any position to argue. I had to figure out how I could get in a position to argue before Tinystar starved all of us.

"Maplesnow, are we there yet? I can smell herbs." Creamspots whispered to me. I looked around, and I could see the entrance of the camp. Good, we were there. Now it was just time to start on the assignments and go back home. I would also avenge Lightstorm's death. My brain couldn't stop thinking about what Flamefur told me either.

"Yes, we are here. Want me to help you to the medicine cat den?" I asked her before entering the camp. I could see the other medicine cats already there. I guessed I didn't need to help her anymore, they could do that instead.

"No, I will be fine. I can scent my follow medicine cats." She said and left my side. I nodded and went next to the warriors. I was suppose to be helping them anyways instead of leading Creamspots every step of the way.

Warriors: Third Strike: Book 2: Hunt for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now