Chapter 5

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[Badgerjaw's POV]

I twisted around trying to figure out what to do. There wasn't a lot to do in the camp. We couldn't leave the camp unless we had a Dark Forest warrior with us, and I had no clue where one was. I figured I should try and make some friends with some of the other warriors, but I still wasn't sure. Some of them were weird, and I didn't trust them. I wasn't even sure why I was in the clan in the first place.

I didn't fit in with everyone else. I was a misfit amongst them, and it was obvious. I usually stayed to myself and didn't talk to anyone. I had one or two friends, but they were the ones that came with me to the clan. I wasn't even born in the clan. I was starting to doubt if I even should be in the clan anymore.

When I came to the clan, it was happy and joyful. Now it has just turned evil and depressed. It was sad to see everyone with a gloomy face on when you can't do anything about it. I wanted my friends to be happy, but with the Dark Forest here, it was almost impossible.

I had thought about sneaking out before, but I never actually did it. With the clans getting darker and darker, the possibility kept becoming more of a better idea. It wouldn't be that hard to escape during the night. My pelt would help me with cover since it was almost all black. The Dark Forest warriors might not even realize I'm gone until I've escaped. I flicked my tail and glanced at the entrance.

Alternatively, I could go when everyone is at the gathering. It was in two nights, and most of the cats would be going. The Dark Forest would be too distracted with that to focus on everyone. I would just sneak away and never be found. By the time they got back to the camp and realized I was gone, I would be far away from the camp.

I wondered if I would just stay alone, or find a new home. I knew SmallClan and LilyClan from a land where more clans were, but I wasn't sure if the Dark Forest had a hold on them as well. It wouldn't be good if they were under their hold as well. I might try and ask one of their warriors when I could. I would also have to figure out which direction to go because I wouldn't have a clue. I had come from the south and never saw anything, so I guessed farther north.

I would just have to wait out a few more nights. I might wait a little longer than until the gathering only so I can ask a LilyClan of SmallClan warrior where their clans used to be. I took a small breath and looked at the sky. The clouds were dark. It could either be rain or snow soon. Neither would be good.

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