Chapter 6

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[Mistpaw's POV]

I sniffed the air and scented something off. It wasn't one of the DepthClan warriors, but someone else. It was someone foreign which made me more curious. I knew Maplesnow was somewhere close to me and lifted my head.

"Do you scent that too?" I asked him hoping I could spot him, but he was rather good at hiding. I soon saw a small leave fall to the ground and the rest of them shake.

"I do. Stay here, I'm getting Bugstar." He said and quickly vanished. I stayed where I was getting more nervous. These couldn't be intruders, could they? I hoped not. It would be extremely bad if they were intruders.

I waited silently until I heard the leaves crunching from in front of me. The camp was behind me so Bugstar and Maplesnow would have to come up from behind me. I unsheathed my claws and growled trying to intimidate whoever was in front of me.

"Wait, wait. Please don't attack." A soft voice said coming from in front of me. I perked my ears and stared closer. I could really make out any features, but it could just be from the distance.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked still on guard. I didn't care if the voice told me not to attack, it was my duty to protect my clan. I had to make sure they weren't intruders.

"My name is Tirza. I'm here with my friends. Our one friend, Poppy, is pregnant and she needs some place to stay. We were told there were clans this way. We wanted to know if it was possible to stay here for a bit." The cat said and stepped out of the shadows. He had black fur and bright green eyes. He seemed perplexed by me as I was with him. "You don't seem that much older than me."

"I'm not, I'm only thirteen moons old. I would have to talk to my leader about letting you all join." I told him before hearing leaves crunch from behind me. "And that would be him." I mumbled to myself looking to my side and seeing Bugstar standing tall.

I forget that he is actually rather young. He became leader at the age of nine moons when EverClan was almost destroyed. He was only twenty one moons old now and that was rather surprising. All the other leaders were older and wiser, except Tinystar, but then there was him.

"What is this all about?" He asked eyeing the young tom in front of us. Maplesnow soon came to my other side. He was a little younger than Bugstar, only by a moon, but they both seemed so important.

"I wanted to see if my friends could join, even for a little bit. Poppy really needs a home to give birth." The tom said before looking at the ground.

"Come with me, all of you." Bugstar said and headed back toward the camp. I wondered if they would be allowed to join.

Warriors: Third Strike: Book 2: Hunt for SurvivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang