Chapter 24

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[Nettleflash's POV]

I yawned loudly as I heard Flamestar calling for a clan meeting. What could this meeting be about? I wondered and yawned again before realizing the apprentices had finished their warrior assignment! I headed out of the warriors den and sat near my sister, Sparkwing. I hadn't gotten to talk to her for a while, so hoped this small amount of affection would make up for it.

I looked around the camp and saw the three apprentices sitting up with pride. It was good they could be happy during this dark time. We couldn't even leave the camp anymore without them following us. It sucked. I looked up to the leader's branch and saw Flamestar sitting there glumly. I wondered what was wrong with him. Beside him on the one side was Emeraldshine.

That's why the tom was so glum, he was being a traitor and sitting next to his new mate. I bet the leader could even see his past mate from up there and it must upset her to see her with someone else. He was also next to his mate in front of his kits. I didn't understand how he could do that to them. It made no sense.

"We have three apprentices that have trained long and hard to become warriors. I have seen that they are fit to become warriors. Lightpaw, will you please step up?" The ginger tom asked. There seemed to be some regret in his voice. As the light furred shecat stepped up, he continued. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even if it costs you your life?" He asked her.

"I do!" She called out bravely. She seemed very confident about what she was doing or she was trying to get her father to pay attention to her.

"Then from this moment on you shall be called Lightfalcon. We honor you for your bravery and persisitance." The tom said before quickly turning to the next one.

"Ashpaw, will you please step up?" He asked and I watched the grey tom step up and stare up at his father with emotionless eyes. "Do you agree to uphold the warrior code, even if it costs you your life?" Flamestar asked the tom.

"I do." He said with no emotion. I think losing his father really hurt him.

"Then from this moment on you shall be known as Ashflash. We honor you for your honesty and speed." He said before turning to his last son.

"Firepaw, will you please step up?" The ginger tom asked and watched as his identical son stepped up. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code even if it costs you your life?" Flamestar asked him.

"I do." The tom said blankly showing no emotion.

"Then from this moment on you shall be called Fireroar. We honor you for your leadership and calmness." Flamestar said before looking away from the apprentices and jumping down from his spot. He looked back and I could see Emeraldshine going to follow him.

Warriors: Third Strike: Book 2: Hunt for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now