Chapter 18

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[Snowingblaze's POV]

It was getting darker and the gathering would start soon. Duskstar still hadn't announced who was going to the gathering with him. I flicked my tail and headed toward my mate. He was suntanning in a spot that still was receiving the light. Most of the camp didn't have any sun because of how the few trees around it for protection blocked it out.

"Duskstar, you need to announce who is going to the gathering. It's almost time to leave as well. You can't just stay here suntanning." I told him. He just barely opened his eyes to look at me, and then stretched out more as if not hearing me.

"What's the point? The Dark Forest can pick for us." He said with a voice of despair. It had already affected him this early in their reign.

"This isn't you, Duskstar. This isn't the tom that ran across the border to save me. This isn't the tom that snuck me out of the camp even when my leg was broken so I could be with you when you received your nine lives. You are a hopeful tom who will always fight against the darkness that tries to take us over. Get off of your lazy tail and announce who is going to the gathering." I hissed at him. I pushed my paw down on his tail to send him squirming to get out of my grip.

"Fine, fine!" He hissed and pulled his tail out from under my paw. He glared down at me and then headed over toward the Tide's Rock. I settled toward the back where I found my kits who were apprentices sitting.

Duskstar soon called the meeting for the clan. Once everyone was settled down, he started to talk about who was coming to the gathering with him. The Dark Forest warrior that was in charge of our clan, Maplefur, stood next to him glaring at everyone else.

"Those that are coming to the gathering are Falcondust, Blizzardleap, Smallshadow, Ashstripe, Snowingblaze, Stealthstep, Pinepaw, and Goldenpaw." The dark brown tom yowled so that everyone in the camp could hear him. I'm surprised he was letting me go with him to the gathering. If anyone else had stepped on his tail and hissed at him, they would be banned from the gathering for several moons.

"I guess I'm coming with you." Pinepaw smiled at me. I nodded and nuzzled his side. He was a great son, but I could see him leaning toward the darkness unlike his brother. Eaglepaw would be someone who is unpredictable. I could never tell what he was thinking.

"TideClan! Let's head out to the gathering before we are late." Duskstar said quickly jumping down from the rock. Maplefur followed his lead staying close. She whispered to someone that she passed. It seemed to be another Dark Forest warrior but he wasn't the one she had left with us when she was with DepthClan. The tom quickly followed after the rest of us.

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