Chapter 21

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[Shinyfall's POV]

The clans had finally got to the gathering place. MapleClan was the last one to get there. I wanted to see if Blossomsoul was there, but I doubt it since she still had kits. I didn't have really anyone to talk to. Cheetahpelt was still in the camp so I couldn't talk to him. I needed to find someone else to talk to, so I ventured toward the EverClan cats. Even from where I was in the back, I could see Witheredsoul talking to a big golden tom that was almost twice the size of Witheredsoul.

"Hello?" A black and brown tom asked softly. I had almost walked into him since I was busy looking at the deputy. The tom was sitting next to a nice looking shecat. They could be friends, mates, or just siblings.

"Oh, sorry. I was distracted." I admitted to them, shifting my weight across my paws. The shecat turned to look at me and tilted her head.

"You look like a tom that was at our clan for a day." The shecat said. I was slightly confused on her wording so I decided to try and understand.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"There was a tom at our clan when I first opened my eyes. He looked like you." She told me. She didn't look too old, but I wasn't sure.

"Do you remember his name?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled.

"His name was Aquaclaw. He was there with a shecat. That shecat now leads your clan." She told me. I had a faint smile. Aquaclaw was remembered.

"Yes, he was my son. He's in StarClan now, but I know he is looking after all of his friends. He's probably looking after you as well." I told her. I knew my son was soft headed and would look after the shecat he hardly knew.

"Oh, well thank you for telling me that. I wanted to see if I could see him at the gathering, but since I became an apprentice I could never find him." She told me.

"What is your name if I may ask?" I asked her.

"It's Mistsight. I just became a warrior a day ago. There were more DepthClan warriors in our camp." She told me.

"I'm Abysspaw. I just joined the clan, but I was too young to become a warrior so I'm stuck as an apprentice." The black and brown tom chuckled. His eyes were almost pure black as well. He seemed scary.

"I'm Shinyfall. I hope we can become friends while we are at the gathering. EverClan and DepthClan are rather close after the incident. I hope they continue to stay that way." I told them with a smile. I could hear the leaders beginning to start, but I wanted to continue to talk to these two cats.

"I do too. EverClan needs a strong ally like DepthClan. We have been through a lot and I'm only thirteen moons old. I heard about the past, and I hope it never comes to that again." She said before we all went silent.

Warriors: Third Strike: Book 2: Hunt for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now