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In the one camp, a ginger tom and a brown tom with bright green eyes were visible quickly going to the camp entrance. The ginger tom went through first and then the brown tom. It seemed like they were trying not to be seen, and that is because if they were seen, they would be killed for trying to escape. The ginger tom ducked under a branch trying to not step where there were too many leaves.

"Do you have an idea on where to go?" The brown tom asked in a soft voice. He seemed scared and on edge. He wasn't sure on what was going on.

"Come on, I told Badgerjaw to meet us down by the edge of our territories. He wanted to come with us." The ginger tom said and quickly hurried to more underbrush so it would hide them better. The brown tom just quickly followed.

The two toms seemed to be really close and running away from something deeper than the Dark Forest. It seemed like that even without the Dark Forest's takeover they might have ended up running away. The ginger tom might have been a leader, but his head was lowered toward the ground as if in shame. It could have been something to do with the other tom.

The brown tom kept looking at the ginger tom and stayed low on the ground. When his eyes weren't on the ginger tom, his eyes were on the ground. It seemed like he had done something bad with the ginger tom and now was regretting it.

The pair stayed silent until they got toward another tom. This one had a pure black pelt and his head seemed to be higher up than the ginger tom's. This tom was not a leader. He wasn't even anything close to it, but he seemed to have more pride than the other two combined.

"Let's go." The ginger tom said quickly and took one last look back on his new ground. "I will always think of you and I hope you forgive me." He whispered before rushing off into the forest.

On the other side of the forest, a lone shecat strayed away from the camp slowly. Her pelt reflected the soft moonlight that was shining. She seemed to just be walking with a small purpose. Her legs wobbled, but she stared straight ahead staring into the soul of the forest. Soon, her small steps sped up as a river came in sight. There was only one river on the territory she was in, and it was the Night River.

"I am sorry I could never be the mother you wanted me to be." She whispered before taking a step into the river. It was just deep enough to engulf her leg and slowly the rest of her as she stepped in. She didn't even struggle against the current or try to pull herself up. It was almost like she wanted to die in the river and never open her eyes again.

Warriors: Third Strike: Book 2: Hunt for SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now