Chapter 20

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[Venomstar's POV]

I had to pick those going to the gathering soon or we were going to be late, but I didn't want to go at all. After what I saw from the Moonstone, I didn't ever want to go to the gathering. I wanted to just stay in my den the whole time and stay safe. It would be better for everyone else if I did that.

"Venomstar? Leader? Are you awake?" I heard the soft voice of my deputy. She had been checking up on me recently, but I never replied to her. I expected I needed to reply now.

"I am." I said shortly. My voice felt foreign to myself. I hadn't talked to anyone since I saw the Moonstone.

"You need to pick who is going to the gathering. I'm sure all the other clans are waiting on us. We need to hurry there." Brightfire said slowly stepping into the den. I wanted to tell her to get out and go by herself, but I decided against it.

"I trust you, just leave me here. I wouldn't even know who to pick." I told her. I flicked my tail and laid my head back down against my paws.

"Where has your courage gone, my leader? You were someone that was always too head strong and basked in your father's shadow. Where has that Venomstar gone? You're kits are worried about you, every one is worried about you. No one ever sees you anymore. They all think you are dead, and I'm just covering it up. My encounter with Cherrywisp didn't help hat either. I stopped her from going in your den as if I was hiding something. Please Venomstar, the clan needs you.

"Silverstar would claw your tail off if he saw you like this. He was my mentor, and I know it doesn't count as much as him being your father, but I was still close to him. He made sure all of my sisters and brother were okay. He believed us when something bad had happened with us. He was like a father to me as well. My father never spoke to me, but seeing him everyday would make me smile and now I can keep on going. He made sure I was okay after Rainpaw died and after Lightpaw disappeared.

"So, Venomstar, are you going to come out of your hiding and be like your father, or are you going to stay holed up in here with me running the clan?" Brightfire spoke with her words charged with emotion. Even in the dim light, I could see light glistening from her eyes as if she was about to cry.

"I knew I picked you for deputy for a reason." I mumbled to myself shaking my head. I picked myself up, my body feeling weak. I could do this and lead the clan. They weren't going to fall into the same despair as I was just in. If I can get out of it, the whole clan can stay out of it.

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