Chapter 29

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[Maplesnow's POV]

I looked around me. Those around me had solemn looks on their faces and it hurt me to see them like this. There was only one thing I could do, but it went against everything I believed in. I looked at the sky slowly and closed my eyes. I'm sorry mother. I have to get Witheredsoul back on my side and defend the rest of my clan. This is the only thing I can think of. If my clan dies because of me, tell them all I did it for them to be happier. I thought I could convince them to join me and be happy. I thought before going toward Tinystar.

I had to stay calm. She would scratch me and curse me if she saw any doubt in my eyes. I didn't want to be in more trouble with Tinystar. I would just be strong. The shecat soon saw me, and she looked up to me.

"Yes?" She asked me picking her head up from eating a mouse.

"Tinystar, I have been thinking about it. I really want to be on your side. I want to join your side. I want to join the Dark Forest and be one of your warriors. Please let me help you out." I told her with wide eyes. She seemed to contemplate my decision for a moment. I could almost see a hint of doubt flash across her eyes.

"Why do you really want to join me? So that you're precious little friends aren't so miserable? Or is it the fact that you want your little friend to be safe? Don't think I haven't seen you sneaking out to go see someone. I sent Sweetdeath to trail you and she said you were meeting someone from SmallClan." Tinystar said knowing right where to stab me.

Unlike her, I actually cared about my friends. I wasn't one that clawed my friends in the back and took over the clan that took care of you. I had to look after other cats, but I didn't know she even knew about Shardbreeze. I had made sure I wasn't trailed before. This was hard now.

"I want to join because I'm more like you than you think. We both didn't fall from our parents. We are a lot darker than our siblings. Unlike you, I haven't embraced my darkness yet. So, with your help, I would like to embrace it now so I can be by your side and we can be our friend group again." I said flicking my tail. I just had to get her to believe me. I knew darkness stayed down within me, but I didn't want it to see the light of the world. I was scared of it.

"I'll think about it. When I finally make my decision, you will know where you stand." Tinystar said before flicking her tail for me to leave. I looked at her reluctantly but finally complied. I didn't want to get in her bad side this far in.

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