Chapter 27

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[Tinystar's POV]

I didn't feel that well during the gathering, but I still heard what happened. Maskedstar was trying to get onto my bad side. It wasn't smart for him to challenge me. I knew he was around the same age as me, but he needed to have more common sense.

Now that I thought of the young leader, I realized there were three rather young leaders. I was actually the youngest right now, but Bugstar had started his reign when he was still an apprentice. Maskedstar was older than me when he started his reign, but he was less experienced. I had helped run the Dark Forest since I was an apprentice.

I didn't know what I was going to do about Maskedstar's aggression. I didn't feel like another fight so soon after the last one, but if I had to, I would fight against them. Unlike when Midnightstar and Spokenstar were leaders, I don't think any of the other clans will side with me. Maskedstar was the only other leader I had seen in the Dark Forest.

I needed to find Witheredsoul. I wanted to see if he wanted to send some cats to SmallClan to figure out if we can handle this peacefully or if he wanted to attack like I really wanted to do. I just didn't know where the black and white tom was. He didn't tell me he was going to EverClan, but I wasn't sure. He might have just told someone else because he didn't want to disturb me. He also could just be on patrol, but he hardly went on patrols since he became the deputy.

I saw some of the other warriors wandering around the camp. Deerscar was heading over toward Icehowl and Sweetdeath, but I really couldn't find Witheredsoul. I sighed and shook my head. I would find him later. It wasn't too important that I had to talk to him right away. I would just talk to him about the plan as soon as I saw him again.

I took another glance around the camp and saw Maplesnow looking at me. I titled my head rather confused on why he was looking at me. He hadn't talked to me since I became the leader. He seemed really mad at me, but it didn't bother me. Yes, I still wanted my brother to be on my side, but Lightstorm wasn't on my side and we saw what happened to her.

Family relations meant nothing to me anymore. All that mattered was the Dark Forest, it's warriors, and my kits who would soon join the Dark Forest as apprentices. They still had three moons until they could become apprentices. My younger siblings had the same amount of time, but they were half a moon older so they technically were older. Then Angelwing's kits would be apprentices a half a moon after my kits. When the kits start to become apprentices, I would have a lot to do as a leader. I also knew there easily be more kits, but right now there were no queens.

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