The Reaping

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Katniss's P.O.V.

      Today is the day of the reaping. I wake up to the urge to vomit and when I do I must have kicked Peeta because as soon as I leaned over the toilet he had my braid pulled away from my face. While vomiting I realized my last period was almost 2 months ago. Normally I wouldn't think nothing of it, but me and Peeta have had some "fun" recently. Peeta then says "Are you okay, Kat?" I think I will tell him tonight on the train after the reaping, so I just tell him, "Yeah, I think I might just have a small touch of the flu." I then realize it is that it is 6:30 A.M. so I tell Peeta, "Peeta it is 6:30 and we normally get up at 7:00 can we like not go back to sleep." He says "Sure, Kat."

       When we get down stairs Peeta says "Hay, Kat, what do you want for breakfast?" I have been craving cheese buns, so I say "Cheese buns, please," while sticking my lower lip out and batting my eyelashes. So Peeta starts making cheese buns and after 20 minutes he has a dozen cheese buns ready and on the table for us. "The reaping is at 2:00, so let's change about 1:00 to be ready and there by 1:45, and try to keep Haymitch from messing with Effie," I say. Peeta says "Okay."


       I'm in a full length strapless gown with a sweetheart neckline (Haymitch found the name amusing) that is a beautiful sunset color with a powder blue bow wrapped the upper part of my ribs, while Peeta is in a dark green suit and a grey tie. When we walked into the Justice Building we asked Haymitch what it will be like and he said "It will be Hell when or if one or both of them die." Effie ran out and gave her welcoming speech like every other year, then she announced Haymitch then us. When we sat down Effie said "Ladies first!" She walked over and called out the name...."Posy Hawthorne." Holy shit, Gale's little sister was reaped, but just as Posy was about to mount the steps someone yelled, "I volunteer," It was Danielle Smith. I know her, not good, but I do know her. Our fathers were both killed in the mine explosion six years ago her mom died when she was born and is an only child, so she has no one. She is from the Community Home and was in my year. Then she said "Now for the boys." She walked over and read out the name, "Vick Hawthorne." I whispered "Oh no." Peeta just hugged me tighter. Effie barely got done Hawthorne before Gale volunteered in Vick's place. When they were told to shake hands Gale said, "Thank you so much for volunteering for Posy."

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