The Interview

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Katniss's P.O.V.

        Effie is rushing everyone around and yelling at us to go to our spots. Danielle is going on first, she, like me is just going to wing it.

      Caesar said hi and said. "Danielle, why did you volunteer for Posy Hawthorne?" "I volunteered for her because I don't feel a 4 year old should go into to arena," says Danielle. Caesar then says, "Who are you going to try to win for?" "I have no one. My mother died not long after my birth and my father died in a mine explosion 6 years ago, and I don't like any guys," spits back Danielle. She then proceeds to stand up and stomp off the stage. Caesar looked shocked and said, "And now District 12's very own Gale Hawthorne!" Gale came out said hi and said how he was going to win for his family, and to not work in the mines. Caesar the asked him if there was a special girl back home and he said, "No, no the girl I loved died in the same Games as Johanna Mason a few years back."

       That night we watched the interviews again, but Danielle is crying and sobbing while Effie, Portia, and me are trying to sooth her and that she will be fine in the Arena, aand that we will get both her and Gale out, but then she said, "And what about my baby??" She said that loud enough for everyone to hear and we a froze and we all said that we promised we would get her and her baby out of the Arena.

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