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Danielle's P.O.V.
Before I fell unconscious I saw Katniss and Peeta and she whispered, "I told you we'd get you and the baby out."
When awoke again I took off my IV drip and went out a slide door and saw Katniss and Peeta sitting eating some muffins and another guy, Finnick, I think, saying how he wishes he could shoot a muffin off Haymitch's head. (Divergent Fans should get a joke about muffins from Divergent), When I entered they looked up and I said, "Where's Gale?" Katniss looks at Peeta and Peeta says, "Danielle, Gale is very beat up. The doctors on here think that if he doesn't wake up by the time we get him to District 13 then he will never." I fall to my knees and start sobbing. Katniss, Peeta, Annie, and Finnick come over to me and I whisper, "He has to. He has to. I don't want our child to grow up without a father like we did."
Katniss's P.O.V.
When Danielle said that I was stunned and said, "Gale is the baby's father?" She only nods and Annie help Danielle up while Finnick says, "Darling, have a sugar cube. You'll feel a little better." Peeta pulls a seat out for her, while Haymitch just finishes another bottle and pops another.
Gale woke up about four hours and 6 minutes ago and Danielle just came out from visiting him, I go to see Gale and he looks at me worried and I say, "Gale they made it out in time, but there is no District 12."
The End of The Original 3rd Quarter Quell. I'm writing a new book called The Original Mockingjay.

The Original 3rd Quarter QuellOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora