Shocking News

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When the head doctor and nurse came back in and the head doctor said, "Congratulations, you are having twins." Me and Peeta were both

shocked when she said that. Then the nurse said, "Do you want to know the genders?" We have to find out if they are a boys, girls, or one of each, but truly I want to know. So, I say, "Yes, please." The nurse then says "It looks like one boy and one girl." She prints out some pictures of our babies for us, and tells us goodbye and that she wants to see me during he Games and right after.

When we leave it is 11:55, so we have to go eat lunch with Gale and Danielle.


When we go back to the other mentors they start bombard us with questions about the baby, so I say "Well, it's twins, one boy and one girl." Gale and Danielle told us they wanted Districts 4 and 7 as allies. When we went to go talk to Finnick and Annie, they congratulated us on the twins and said yes to the alliance, even though Johanna's tributes would be apart of it. They told us that their tributes want the same alliance; in fact, they are going to come with us to talk to Johanna.

Now Johanna was a different story, as soon a I said hi, she said "What the f*** do you want?" Peeta then said "Well, uh, um, our tributes, uh, kind a, of um, want an alliance with yours?" She said "Ohhh, well, surprisingly enough Blight and I's tributes want an alliance with yours. So, sure, I guess. And the District 4 love birds, do your tributes want an alliance too?" They say yes, and by the end of the afternoon Peeta and I have an alliance with Finnick and Annie's tributes and Johanna and Blight's.

When we get back to District 12's Penthouse, on level 12, it is dinner time. When we tell Gale and Danielle they were so happy. Haymitch was shocked that there would be another me, but was happy that there would be another Peeta to calm down their sister. At the end of dinner Haymitch says "Katniss, Peeta, follow me."

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