A Secret Meeting

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Katniss's P.O.V.

     When we follow Haymitch he takes us to a black car with pure black windows. When we step in Haymitch says "When we get to the meeting only talk if it is absolutely necessary, got that?" We can only nod our heads. I slowly drift off my head on Peeta's shoulder. I wake a little while later to Peeta shaking me. When we get out we follow Haymitch to a room and inside we see a ton of other victors; Finnick, Annie, Mags, Johanna, Blight, Beetee, Wiress, Chaff, Seeder, and Head Game maker Plutarch Heavensbee. When we sit down Plutarch says "Aww, Katniss, Peeta, it is so great for you two to finally be able to join us. So, everyone when the tributes enter the Arena we need to try to get all your tributes in one big alliance. So, that means Beetee, Wiress, Chaff, and Seeder, I need you four to get your tributes into Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, Finnick, Annie, Mags, Blight, and Johanna's alliance. Also we will be attacking the Arena on the 3rd day at midnight. Any questions?" Peeta says "What is all of this about?" Plutarch says "When Katniss pulled out that Nightlock she gave us a chance, a chance to stop the Games. At 11:00 P.M. on the third day in the Arena a hovercraft will pick up all of your families, while we will all be on another hovercraft going to District 13. At the same time District 13 will have a hovercraft right outside of the Arena ready to get Gale, Danielle and any other living tributes." I'm sitting, nodding, and trying to put this all together.

     Finally about 2 hours later we have a plan figured out on how we will all leave on the 3rd day and meet up on the roof of the Training Center for the hovercraft to get us. When we were leaving Haymitch said "Now, you two don't say a word about what just went on. Got it?" I say "Of course why would we tell people?" When we finally got back to our car, with the black tinted windows, I leaned my head on Peeta's shoulder and fell asleep.

                 So, what do you guys think? I had them know about the rescue and even be a part of it.

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