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"Mom had not prepared food for us, Annie." Tom said sadly.

"That means we are going to a restaurant, isn't it?"Annie asked excitedly.

The three turned to Julian, who was pondering and said, "Yes, we'll be."

"Hurray!" the three yelled.

The four along with Timmy were going in their car.

"Where are we going? Cuisinato or Mr.Muggle's?"Annie asked.

"Will dog's be allowed there?" George asked looking at Timmy.

"No, not in either of these. But we can go to Subway's."

"Many from our college go there if there is any party. I hope I would see some of them " Tom said grinning.

But Julian looked terrified. The others didn't notice him. They were excited. Especially, Timmy.

Timmy noticed the terrified boy and whined at him. The others also turned towards him.

"What's wrong Ju? Have you left your purse at home or are you unwell? Why are you so sad?" Annie enquired.

"No, no. Nothing. I am alright."

"Then why are you looking as if you are going to meet the danger of your life?"

"It's almost like that. But not for me." He said in a silent tone.

"What did you say now?"

"Nothing, Annie dear. I'm just sleepy. That's it"

"Something is wrong with you. I know you well." George said.

Annie and Tom continued to merry. But George was not satisfied with answers. She guessed something. But it had no meaning.

What could that be?

Why was he so?

Could they manage....

George was surprised to see so many cars in the parking lot.

"Annie, Tom, you both take Timmy and go first, I and George will be coming" Julian ordered.

The both took Timmy with them and walked away.



"Do you know why was I terrified this much?"


"Do you remember? The guys, with whom you had a fight yesterday?"


"They regularly come here."Julian said coldly.

George stared at him for a moment and then burst into laughter. Julian was puzzled.

"You are afraid that they may hurt me there in the restaurant!"

"Aren't you TERRIFIED?"He asked shockingly.

"Why should I be? After all it wasn't my mistake. Mr.Slapped deserves more than a slap."

"You don't know how horrible and shocking you are." Julian sighed and they both walked.

Annie and Di-TOM had already chosen a best place to sit when Julian and George arrived. Timmy was also there. George noticed the bright lights as she had never been to such a place. They both came and sat.

George noticed that both Annie and Tom's face was pale and cold.

"What happened to you guys?" George demanded and turned to Julian.

She was shocked to see that his face was pale as their's.

"What happened to you all?"

"They are here."

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