REAL ME Part 15

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"Sooo...." Annie trailed off looking at George.

"What?" George snapped.

"Well, I was wondering if you would tell anything about Edward Masen to my brothers and Bella. About 'him resembling your dad' you know."

George sighed. They were both staring at each other in the girl's restroom.

A week passed without any new incident. Bella, Tom and Annie were relieved.

But Julian was not. He thought that they will have to face the jocks ultimately. The delay made him nervous.

"Oh, Ju...stop being so freaky.They are not going to pounce on us or anything." Annie said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah I agree with her." Tom said.

"I don't know why...but I have that eerie feeling that this won't last long."Julian replied glumly.

"Now what are you? A psychopath?" George shot at him. Julian sighed. They had been getting more and more glares from the jocks...but no action.

Bella liked her college life. She had a wonderful roommate and wonderful friends. No one could ask for more. She had her entire future planned ahead of her. She would graduate and then she would be getting her Master's. Then she would move to NY or Chicago or Phoenix. She would work there and then when she's about thirty, she would start her search for 'the one'. She always believed that thirty is the age where one would find their other half. Or that's what her mom preached her.

Tom and Annie were completely opposite to Bella. They thought that it was okay to do whatever they can do before meeting their soul mates. But their parents were strict that they would allow their kids to date only after they are twenty. When questioned, they used to say they had learnt it from someone's 'bitter experience'. And the kids always wondered what that 'bitter experience' was.

However, Julian and George were a different story.


That day, Annie and Bella were rushing as soon as the bell rang. Suddenly their paths were blocked by a tall figure.

They were shocked to see Edward Masen standing infront of them.

Both the girls' turned pale. But Bella somehow found her voice and said, "Excuse me? You are blocking our way."

"Of course I am. What if don't get out of your way? Are you gonna fight me? Like your shrew friend?", he shot back.

Now Bella became furious. No one talks about her friend like that.

"Of course I would fight you."

To the girls' surprise, he started to laugh. "You. Fighting me. I thought you were the damsel in distress type."

"I'm not the damsel in distress type. I'm the damsel in defense type.", she shot back.

He gave her a cold glare.

She continued, "Why do you keep picking on us?"

He replied, "Isn't that obvious? Your shrew friend. She attacked my brother. Those two boys. They stood up her. You two. You are by their side."

Bella wailed, "Oh God!! I thought we were in a college! I thought these types of dramas happen only in high school! You guys can't be any more immature!".

He looked at her like an angry villian. He took one step forward and glared at her.

Annie shivered and she muttered, her voice slightly shaking, "Bella... come on let's go."

But Bella didn't even make a move. Instead, she glared back into his eyes with full force. She took one step towards him. Now it seemed like Edward was uncomfortable with this closeness.

That was when she saw it.

There was a fresh scar on his temple. She thought that it was probably from a fight or something. But she also a mark on his cheek. A hand print mark. Fingers.

He realised what she was looking at.

That was when she saw something else. Something else other than his outer scars.

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