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People do not always reveal their 'true self'. Most of them conceal their true selves in a fear of being judged or getting hurt. Very very rarely, some brave souls completely show what they are. But, they don't last long. They are often termed as 'talking without word filters' or any other word.

When we are children, we never hide our true self. But as we grow old, we face how the world is and what it expects you to be. Some of us partially reveal our true self. But most of them conceal it.

In other words, we all wear some kind of invisible mask. Some may wear a 'happy faced' mask and be miserable behind it and some may wear a 'long faced' mask and be happy behind it(when your enemy is in some problem and you pretend like you feel sorry for her/him).

And some may wear a 'stay away from me' mask and be broken inside.

That's what Bella Swan saw today. A broken boy behind a hard glare mask. Even though it was just a glimpse, the agony was enough to make Bella understand it. Immediately, the mask was in it's place and he walked away knowing that she had 'seen it'.

Bella and Annie walked away. Annie hadn't watched his mask slip. Bella made a note to not mention it to anyone. Maybe George...

That night when when Bella reached her room, George was fast asleep. Bella sighed and she decided to call her school friend Jessica.

"Hey Jess! How ya doin?". Bella had to pull the phone away from her ear. She didn't want to damage her ear for the sake of friend's squealing.

"Oh my holy(beep-beep)! Isabella why the (beep) haven't you called me! I really missed you! How is NY? Are you content? Any new friends? New boys? Are those boys better than Mike? Any new boyfriend? Are you bein' safe dear?", Jessica asked without taking a break.

"Jess! One at a time please.", Bella replied giggling, "Of course I'm fine here and I really miss you too. I really miss Forks but here it is wonderful. I have really good friends and just two 'guy' friends and NO, I don't have any boyfriends."

"Yet.", Jessica finished.

"Jess...", Bella warned.

"Okay! okay!", Jessica replied.

Bella talked with Jessica for the next hour and then she drifted to sleep. 

The next day, Bella was unsure if she should tell George about Edward or not.

She was walking towards the music room. Or if you could even call that. Annie was a violin player. And she had some competition next month and she had to prepare for it. And Bella had promised Annie that she would be picking her from the so called music room. When Bella opened the door she was shocked to see Edward Masen sitting in the corner of the room in one of those stools. Annie and another girl were sitting and practicing in the other corner. The tension in the room was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Edward was looking at the floor. On seeing Bella, Annie and the girl packed their things and rushed towards the door. The girl left and Annie let out a sigh of relief.

She said, "I and Marg had to endure 45 minutes of awkwardness, you know...before he came, we were doing really good. But...once he came in and sat on that stool without saying anything...God! I thought was gonna die!", she blabbered.

Bella replied, "What is he doing there anyway? Doesn't he have anyone to annoy?".

Annie replied, "Who knows...maybe he's waiting to have some 'good time' with his secret girlfriend or something."

Bella almost puked.

Both the girls met George on their way. Annie was excited and she hugged at George as if it was the first time.

Bella asked, "Hey girls... would you please excuse me for a minute. Just now I realized left something. I'll be back okay?"

George frowned, "Don't worry Bella, we will wait for you here."

Bella blushed and said, "No! No! I'll take long time. I've lost that thing and I need to search for it. Can't have you girls waiting. You keep moving."

Annie replied, "You lost something! Maybe we could help you. Or if you think it's late, tomorrow we all can search for it together. Right George?"

George nodded her head in agreement.

Now Bella was blushing fiercely, "No...I mean it guys. Just keep going. I'll see you at the dorm George. And Annie, I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, Bella took off leaving them wondering.

And whenever Bella lies, she blushes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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