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George and Annie didn't speak with anyone for the next 3 hours. Tom and Julian suspected that something must be wrong. Julian...being a private person kept quiet. But Tom...

"What's wrong with you both girls!! You both look like you are sentenced to death!!"
"No...Tom..actually Ed..." Annie started but trailed off when George lifted her eyes to glare her.

Julian noticed this.

"What!! What Ed?" Tom asked confused but Julian silenced him with a look.

He knew that something was wrong. Something must have happened yesterday. He knew George since she was eight. He knew that George never keeps secret. And so does Annie.

Annie cornered George in the girl's restroom.

"What's wrong with you George? You are behaving differently. This is NOT YOU. Just because some guy looks like your dad....it doesn't mean that he is your blood." Annie was fuming.

George lost her temper."Then give me one reasonable explanation for why he looks like dad. Striking resemblance. Anyone could say that he is his son."
"He could be his brother..."
"No. My father wouldn't have kept such a thing from me. Besides who has a younger brother with same age as his daughter?"
"Come on George...what if your father did something in the past or even your grandpaa..."

"Enough Annie!"George snapped."Don't you ever dare to say that my father cheated! He loves my mom more than anything else."

"Oh..so that's why he married your stepmother" Annie said defensively.

George stormed out before she could loose her temper and hurt Annie. Of course she loved her cousin but she had not right to talk about her dad like that. Or her grandpa.

George walked through the corridors without noticing anyone until she reached the dorm gates.

She was surprised to see her room open. But no one was inside. She was surprised to see the other bed that was empty now fully made.

Her new roommate had arrived.

George sighed and laid on her bed. She stared at the light blue ceilings. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes. How could Annie say such a thing. Her father married for the second time only because he was forced by his relatives who thought that the girl child needed a mother. But George would have been so much happier if it had been the other way.

Annie was George's best friend since childhood. Annie has her known her parents too. George thought that it would be inappropriate to stay with them any longer. She then realised that Timmy was with them. But she was too exhausted to go and get him.

She began to cry. For the first time... Timmy was not there to lick her tears.

The door cracked open and a brown eyed girl entered.

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