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The new girl stared at George with her wide brown eyes. She was biting her lip...well she was nervous.

George was the first to speak, "Hello I'm Georgina Stick. Guess I'm your roommate."

The girl blushed and said, "Hi name is Isabella Swan."

George smiled, "You can call me George."

"Only of you call me Bella." the girl winked.

"Sooo...tell me about yourself."

"Well I lived as a child in Florida along with my mom. And then she remarried. So I lived with my dad I'm Forks for a while."

"Forks? Where the hell is that?"

"Somewhere in the continental US. Near Seattle."

"Good. Because I also come from somewhere like that."

"Oh. will you be my friend?"

George smiled at her. "Yes. Of course."

Bella blushed and said, "But I don't know anyone from here."

"Don't worry Bella my cousins also study here."

Bella brightened "Really!"

"Yes. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to Julian, Tom and Annie."

"What if they don't like me?"

"Don't worry I've known them since I was a child. They will all like you for sure."

"Well that would make my first day from being horrible to bearable."

George smirked. "Besides, I'll also introduce you to my dearest pet, Timmy."

"Oh. Seems like you like Timmy. Where is he?"

George actually liked that she called Timmy a 'he' and not an 'it'.

"Well, I left him at Annie's. You can meet him this weekend."

Bella grinned and replied, "Even though I'm not good at pets...I really look forward to meet your Timmy."

George couldn't wait for tomorrow to come so she could introduce her new friends to her old ones.

Even though George couldn't wait for tomorrow, Bella was nervous. She was never a social person. That night she couldn't sleep properly.


"Hey guys...this is my new roommate Bella. Bella, this Julian, Annie and Tom."

"Hi Bella!" they all wished.

Bella turned a shade of pink, "Hello everyone. It's nice to meet you all finally."

"Oh Bella! We're gonna be great friends! "Annie exclaimed.

"But need to stay away from Annie cause she may convert you to Bella-Barbie." Tom teased.

"Yeah...he is right.. isn't it Annie?" Julian also joined them.

Annie glared at both her brothers. Everyone laughed.

Bella was finally relieved that they liked her.

It turned out that Tom and Bella had three classes together. Which resulted in Annie pouting the entire day.

They all sat at the time table during lunch. It was Tom who spotted the Jocks' table glaring at them. Everyone noticed it immediately. Except George who doesn't give a thing about what people do and Bella who doesn't know who they are.

Mr.Slapped-John smirked at them and George took that instant to look into his eyes.

They both glared at each other as if giving out their hatred through their eyes.

George's glare melted as soon as she spotted Edward Masen sitting alone in a table near theirs.

Edward Masen was staring at something intently in their table.

George had no words when she realised that he was staring at a blushing Bella.

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