STORY Part 14

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The Jocks' table shifted their eyes to where George was looking. Edward felt everyone's eyes on him and his stare shifted into a glare.

Now he was glaring at the new girl Bella. Which resulted in the entire female population glaring at Bella.

Bella squirmed in her seat and wished she would disappear. She was looking at her hands and was chewing her lips.

John stood up from his seat and walked towards their seat. He smirked and said, "New crew member, huh?"

No one replied. Bella turned pale and she was still looking down.

"Of course she is." Julian smirked.

"Look who is talking. Boys who stand behind a girl."

"'s better than being beaten by a girl." Tom replied.

Everyone at the table burst out laughing. Even though Bella didn't even have any idea what was happening...she smiled looking up.

"SHUT UP LOSERS!!"thundered John.

"You all think you are great huh? Do you know who I am??"

"Who the hell are you? Why are you picking on us. Don't you have anyone to annoy? Did you forget what happened that day? You want a repeat of that??" George retorted.

"What are you gonna do if I say 'yes'?"

The next moment he was lying on the floor.

"Listen...I don't even know about you and why you are doing like this. But let me tell you more time you mess with my friends and I WON'T spare you ."

Everyone at her table stood up and began to walk. George too joined them throwing him a threatening look.

As soon as they came out of their room, Tom explained everything to Bella and George.

John Masen is the mayor's son. Edward Masen is his elder brother. When you mess with John, you'll have to face Edward. Their mom and dad are super rich and they allow their kids to do anything.

But Edward and John are like two different persons. John is the popular guy always surrounded by Jocks and girls. Whereas Edward is like the emo kid who isn't social and pushes people away from him.

But wherever you see can see Edward near him sitting somewhere alone.

UNITEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora