Lie #5: Homeschoolers are Candor ALL the time

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Dedicated to @Penstemon who is another homeschooler. If you like teen fiction/romance books then you need to read her book “Falling for the Identicals.” (in the external link) It’s so amazing!!

Lie #5: Homeschoolers are Candor ALL the time

So you’ve heard of Divergent right? I mean, how could you not know about that amazing book??! (Go read it if you haven’t!) So if I was in living it that time, I would totally belong to Candor because homeschoolers never lie. They’re just perfect and truthful ALL the time. Because if they do tell a tiny white lie, they think God’s gonna send them to Hell. So naturally, they’re gonna belong to Candor.

Oh, and even in this little book, I’m pointing out the lies of others. I’m just that dedicated to the truth. If you ever talk to me and spill all your darkest secrets, I’ll have to tell someone them if they ask me about you. I wouldn’t say “I don’t know,” because that’d be lying and then I’d go to Hell. Homeschoolers are just sososo perfect. They’re parents love them because they ALWAYS tell the truth.

Hold up a second… didn’t I say in the last chapter of this book that’d I’d update every other week? And how long ago was that chapter posted?

Oh? It was posted more than a month ago? Really? I wouldn’t be so sure about that…

Since homeschoolers always tell the truth, obviously I’m not the one at fault here. You’re the one lying to yourself. It hasn’t been a month, it only been two weeks. Of course, you’re just lying to yourself about what day it is. It’s not March 30th, it’s really the 16th. How could you lie to yourself like that? You should be ashamed. Heck, I’m ashamed… of you.

Homeschoolers NEVER EVER lie.

I mean that’s what everyone says, isn’t it?

So naturally, you believe the public-schoolers over the homeschoolers.

Mmhmmm keep believing that homeschoolers never lie. I don’t care what you do. Keep believing it, because it’s totally and absolutely the whole and entire truth. I’m more perfect than you, because you’re a liar and I’m not! HAH!

Well you know what? I have something very very important to tell you. A secret. Sshh…. first, first you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone. Okay, here it is:

I’m from the planet Pluto, the one that you humans have degraded. I have come to blow up your world. In 5





…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I just lied to you in this entire chapter!! (except for the part about how amazing Divergent is) Ba dum tss!

You just got burned like a hot chile pepper from Chile! Homeschoolers are definitely not candor all the time. At least I’m not… Trust me, we’re all big fat liars. It’s just another one of our faults as humans.

So there it is another lie about homeschoolers! I hope you enjoyed. Honestly, I feel like this chapter is terrible though. Like not even funny at all. Oh well, hopefully the next one will be better.

Next Update: April 19th!

<3 Ashlyn

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