Chapter One: First day

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{AN: Wow, so this is my very first fanfiction ever. I'm proud and ashamed of myself at the same time. I love Lams, so that will be going on, along with some other ships that I like, so expect lots of cute fluffy scenes. I'm going to try to be funny, but I might fail, so whatever, and I'm going to try to include some really sad stuff. This has pretty much no editing, so please point out anything I could improve (including typos!!!). I will definitely change the cover and probably the title, these are just until I think of actual ones - please help me come up with ideas for them.Also, This will probably be the longest chapter (maybe), I will try to keep them shorter, and I will really try to keep this going!!! Jeez, sorry this is so long, have fun!!!!}

I wake up to the beeping of my phone's alarm and the smell of cinnamon french toast. I'm going to school today. It's my first day, not just of the year, but ever, really. Well, ever in the US. I went to school for a few years irregularly in Nevis with my little brother, James, but we hardly learned anything, and had to leave to find jobs when dad left us. It's been a while, but I still kind of miss him.

I roll over in my bed, and accidentally kick my navy blue comforter to the floor as I rub sleep out of my eyes. After finding my phone (which was buried in the fallen blanket) and turning off the alarm, I pull on some jeans and a Metallica t-shirt and head downstairs. Martha spies me from the kitchen and calls out a cheery "good morning" as she flips sausages in a frying pan. JP is already at the table, but Thomas and Maddie are nowhere to be seen. After leaving Nevis when I was thirteen, George and Martha Washington took me in and eventually adopted me, along with another kid about my age, named Thomas. John Parke (or JP, as everyone calls him) and Maddie are Martha's kids, and they are twelve and nine respectively. JP turns on the bar stool, looking up from his syrup-soaked breakfast to wave sleepily at me. I wave back and mumble a greeting to Martha before sitting down on another stool.

"Are you ready for your first day of school, boys?" she asks us as she sets down a plate heaped with sausage, orange slices, and her famous french toast covered in maple syrup and butter.

"I'm ready, mom!" JP responds, his eyes brightening. "Ellie is back from her trip to Spain and I can finally see her again!" Eleanor Calvert, or Ellie, is a girl in JP's class. The two are close friends and JP has had a massive crush on her for as long as I have known him. Martha nods at him.

"I'm sure she will be very happy to see you, too." Then she turns to me. "What about you, Alexander?"

"I guess I'm ready," I reply reluctantly. "I mean, I've done harder things in my life."

"Yes," she smiles at me, "I'm sure you'll be fine. I bet you'll make lots of friends, but only if you talk to them." I smile slightly back at her. Satisfied with my response, she turns and calls up the stairway: "George! Thomas! Maddie! Come downstairs and get your breakfast while it's still hot!" The she returns her attention to the toast as JP chatters at her about his hopes for the coming year. I know I'll be fine, and I know I have done harder things in my life, that's for certain, but I can't seem to make the crawling sensation in my stomach go away. The truth is, I'm pretty nervous about this. Even after living in the US for a year, I'm still not completely used to it, and now I have to go alone and completely unprepared to a place where everyone is bound to judge the crap out of me. I have done research to try to prepare myself better, but so far all it has done is make me more nervous.

"Mornin' y'all!" I hear a familiar voice and turn to see Thomas striding over to the table. He slides into the seat next to JP, putting him between us, which is fine with me. I turn my attention to my food as he strikes up a conversation with JP, and only look back when he almost spills syrup on his gray skinny jeans and fuchsia shirt that says my favorite color is sarcasm and barely holds back from cussing. Thomas has lived with the Washington's for three years, and is an absolute prick. He is sarcastic and rude to everyone except JP, Maddie, Martha, and Sally (his girlfriend), and he acts alright around George and his two friends, but is a complete ass to everyone else, especially me. I don't know why, but for some reason, he decided that I offended his high and mighty lordship, which is fine, since I don't really like him either. I usually try to avoid talking to him, since we fight pretty much any time we talk, and I don't think that's a good way to repay Martha and George for letting me live with them.

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