I got tagged!

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Woah, first time ever being tagged for anything ever. I was tagged by DramaQueen2741, and it's a Hamilton thing, so I figured I would put it here.

1) when did you find out about Hamilton?

Sometime in the fall of 2016, but I got into it in the winter (I think?)

2) How did you find out about it?

The first time I heard about it was at a cast party for a play I did. Somebody had a pirated recording of the whole show, but I didn;t know what was going on and it was terrible quality and crap, so I didn't really care. Then I had the King George songs stuck in my head and listened to them, then my sister found an animatic of Cabinet Battle One, and that is where we really started liking it.

3) First song you listened to?

Either the Opening song or Cabinet Battle One, depending on what you consider first.

4) Last song you listened to?

Off-broadway Schuyler defeated (it's so funny!)

5) Have you seen the musical?

YES! I just got to go to San Fransisco to see the touring cast and they were AMAZING!!!! OH. MY. GOD. It exceeded my impossibly high expectations. I also saw the pirated recording, but I couldn't really see/understand it.

6) Favorite Character?


I really like Philip and John and Burr and Eliza and Washington and Alex and Madison and Lafayette and Hercules and Peggy and Jefferson and King George and Angelica and all of them. Philip is so sweet, though. And Laurens is incredible. And Madison is so quiet and Jefferson is so fancy and oh my god please help.

7) Do you ship lams?

How do I say yes but more? Is there a word for that? Like yes with extra yes on top, like definitely, absolutely, other words-

Ooo, I do I do I do I doooooo!

I love them more than anything in this life. 

I actually wrote a Lams fanfic.

In other words. Yes.

8) Favorite act one song?

How do I choose? I really like My Shot, Mr. Burr Sir, A  Winter's Ball, The story of Tonight (reprise too), Right-hand Man, Wait for It, Guns and Ships, That would be Enough, Stay Alive, Guns and Ships, Farmer Refuted, You'll be back, Dear Theodosia, Non-stop, and almost all of them.

If I had to choose one, I guess Aaron Burr sir, A Winter's Ball, The Story of Tonight Reprise, and Wait for It, and That would be enough. Jesus, why is this so hard?

9) Favorite act two song?

Oh, come on!

Take a Break, One Last Time, The Adams Administration cut rap, Say no to this, It's Quiet Uptown, Best of Wives/Best of Women.

I love all of them!!!

10) Do any songs make you cry? If so, which songs?

It's Quiet uptown always. Stay Alive reprise just puts me into shock.

11) character you pity the most?

Maria gets beat and cheated on and used by her husband

Eliza gets cheated on by the love of her life, then her son dies, then as soon as she forgives her husband, he dies, and her sisters both die as well

12) On a scale of one two Lin Manuel Miranda, how obsessed are you with Hamilton?

Well, I wrote a fan fiction, I know almost all of the songs (including cut and extended things), and 90% of my speech is Hamilton references. So I think I have to steal DramaQueen2741's answer: FUCKING ALEXANDER HAMILTON!

I guess I tag people, now.




Those are all the people I know who like Hamilton.

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