Another AN (Sorry!)

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First: holy crud-muffins!!! How did this get 600 views? That's insane, thank you to everyone who reads and comments, you are all amazing!!!!!

Second: Sorry for disappearing!!! I just started my junior year at high school and I have so much homework!!! I'm not going to be able to write for a while, so this story will be on hiatus until I can get a handle on my life. I'll try to write when I can and I really want to keep going with this (I need to actually write LAMS, goddamnit!), but I just don't have time right now. I hope y'all can be patient with me! And please feel free to offer suggestions about what I can do next (once I sort out all the craziness - or during).  If you're looking for something really good to read, you should check out Hamilton University (by hifriendsilikebooks) (and the sequels!!) , Smol Fry (by smol-elmo-elxse), Camp Yorktown (by MerryMare03) or Hamilton Road Trip (by yayhamlet123), all of which can be found in my reading collection labeled 'Hamilton'. They are some of my favorite fanfictions, so if you haven't already read them, please do! 

I hope to be back soon, but until then, have fun on the internet and remember the Great Flying Glittery Wildebeast loves you!

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