Chapter Two: Homesick

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{AN: So, I'll try to do some type of group chat, and if I screw stuff up, I'm sorry. Also, I used google translate, so please correct any mistakes you find with the French. There will be sad/emotional stuff in this one, for a pretty good section actually, so *evil laugh* mwahahahahaaaa.... Also, the turtle picture is not mine, I found it on the internet.}

It is the after school on the first Friday of the school year and I am busy getting started on an essay that's due in two weeks when I heard a ping from my phone. I am caught off guard for a moment, since I turned off notifications for basically everything, and nobody has any reason to text me, then I remember that I gave my phone number to Hercules, John, and Lafayette. Sure enough, JohnthePotato🐢 has added me to a group chat with NIET_130 and LargeBaguette entitled "Untitled Group Chat". How creative. I wander up to my room to see what they want.

Untitled Group Chat

NIET_130: hey whaddup guys

LargeBaguette: nothing 😑

JohnthePotato🐢: Peggy and I are going to try out for a play

NIET_130: COOL!!!!!

NIET_130: which play?????

JohnthePotato🐢: Fiddler on the roof

JohnthePotato🐢: it's a musical, so i doubt I'll get in, but peggy probably will

LargeBaguette: oui, she's got a great voice

Alexx: hi

JohnthePotato🐢: HI!


LargeBaguette: hwello

LargeBaguette: *hello

JohnthePotato🐢: why u always so hyper, herc?



JohnthePotato🐢: 😑

LargeBaguette: since we don't really have any homework, do you guys wanna meet up somewhere and hang out?

NIET_130: I'm free

JohnthePotato🐢: me too

Alexx: me too

NIET_130: where you wanna meet

LargeBaguette: how about Starbucks? the one by that little antique shop

JohnthePotato🐢: fine with me

Alexx: yea


"Hey, Martha," I say, popping my head out of the stairwell, "Do you mind if I go meet up with some people?"

"What kind of people are you meeting?" She asks, looking up from a large bowl of something.

"The guys I told you about on Monday, they asked if I wanted to hang out with them."

"Yea, that's fine!" she replies cheerily. "Just be home by six, okay?" It's close to 4:00, so I'd have about two hours, though I didn't really expect to be out that long.


"Do you need a ride anywhere?"

"Nah, I'm just going to the Starbucks, so it should only take, like, ten minutes to walk there." During my first year here, I was homeschooled to catch me up with everything happening here, and in my free time I went on really long walks around the city, so I know my way around pretty well.

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