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{AN: Sorry I haven't written for so long. I really want to finish the story, but school is a lot of work. Mostly because I took a bunch of hard classes and procrastinated, but still. Anyways, it's about 1:30 am and I want to write lams shit. So here is a leetle preview that may or may not be a part of the story later.}

John's pov:

It's around 1:47 AM when I hear my phone chime. I'm still awake only because I'm an idiot and I had to binge read a new webcomic and then watch a short YouTube documentary about sea turtles in the Indian Ocean with subtitles on because I forgot my earbuds and I'm too lazy to get them. I'm actually about to go to bed when I get the text.

Alexx: hey john, are you awake?

Even though it's late and I'm tired, and even though we've been dating for a while, my stomach still heats up when I see his name on the screen.

JohnthePotato🐢: ye, why?
Alexx: I cant sleep

I know he usually doesn't get a lot of sleep, but he's never mentioned not being able to sleep, except for during that one explained sleepover at the beginning of the year.

JohnthePotato🐢: why not?
Alexx: my brain is stupid
Alexx: and wont shut off
Alexx: sorry, I cut myself off
JohnthePotato🐢: is there anything I van do to help?
Alexx: I dont know

There is silence for a while as both of us try to think of what to say. I want to help him. I want to help so much but I don't know how without being in the same room as him. I decide to wait for Alex to reply, so I wait, staring at the clock on my phone and counting seconds.

Alexx: cn I come over?
Alexx: *can
Alexx: you don't have to say yes
Alexx: you're probably trying to sleep
Alexx: nevermind
JohnthePotato🐢: you can come over if you want to
JohnthePotato🐢: ill wait in the fromt yard
Alexx: thanks

Alex lives just a few blocks away, so he should be over pretty soon, provided he has no trouble getting out of his house. I slide out of bed and plop my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants. Then I pull on a hoodie, wrap a blanket around my shoulders, and head outside. Before I go out, I'm sure to grab keys  (in case I lock the door behind me), and a pair of flip-flops (because dewey midnight grass is cold as fuck).

Outside the night is chilly and damp. Clouds turn the sky a deep indigo gray and mist swirls under the streetlights, forming hazy circles around the bulbs and settling gently on my exposed face. It is completely silent except for the distant murmur of traffic and the occasional bark of a dog. If I wasn't worried about my boyfriend, I would be utterly at peace.

I wait for about five minutes before I see a small figure hurrying along the street. The figure lifts its head, sees me, and starts walking faster. Alex has reached a jog by the time he gets to me and is slightly out of breath. I glance down at his face and I'm struck by how beautiful he is. It's not like his face is really remarkable in any way, but somehow it's the most beautiful face I've ever seen. His eyes shine and his cheeks are slightly flushed and his mouth is perfect and the very rhythm of his breathing is beautiful. But now isn't the time for that. Now I need to help.

I grab Alex and pull him into a hug, and he hugs me back, his arms tight around my waist and his face buried in my shoulder. We've kissed and held hands and even snuggled a little, but this is a whole new thing. This is him needing me. This is real and important. We stand in the mist for a few golden, floating seconds before Alex's grip relaxes and I lead him inside, making sure to lock the door behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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