Another AN

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Sorry for the interruption! I just have a few things I want to say.

First: what is the ship name for Eliza and James Madison?

Second: shout out to SunnyRose12 who is helping me edit this and giving suggestions. She is very helpful, and a very good writer - I would recommend checking out her work

Third: if anyone wants to draw scenes from the story you can send it to me and I'll put it up with credit to you (if anyone is even interested, I just like showing off other people's ideas and stuff... idk)

Fourth and finally: thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and votes on this story. I seriously thought I was going to be white noise, but I'm thankful to anyone who takes the time to give my work a chance, especially if you comment. I love knowing what people think - and what I can improve. If I have any annoying writing habits, tell me and I'll try to fix them. So thank you!!!!!!

Sorry, I'll try to do this less 😜


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