Previously: on All the Stars

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Alright. Since I've been gone for so long, it's unreasonable to expect you to remember all that I've written. It would be cool if you wanted to reread the whole book, but if you don't, here is a quick rundown of characters and what's happened so far. I will move and edit this chapter as the story progresses so peeps can keep up with what the heck is actually going on (since I never publish anything!). Okay, now to begin:

This is a high school AU, where Hamilton has been adopted by the Washingtons, who have also adopted our good friend Thomas Jefferson. They already have two kids, Maddie and JP, who TJeffs actually is nice to. He's an ass to Alex, though.

Alex met the Hamilsquad and Schuylers at school, and they're all buds. Laf is an exchange student (wow, so original) and has feelings for Hercules. Herc is oblivious and dating a girl named Tibby (short for Elizabeth). They recently had kind of a fight because Herc is really left out (he's the only one who doesn't know), and Laf hasn't told him yet.

John is on the soccer team with Eliza, and he and Peggy are best buds and do theatre together. John lives with his aunt and oldest sister (Mat, short for Martha, is 15). His dad just visited out of the blue with his three little siblings. Read "a visit from John's dad" for the full story. His dad drinks a lot and is just a crappy father (he gets more development later).

There is a little lams, but not very much yet. They have had sleepovers and hung out and been attacked by a goose. Burr, Madison, and Adams have also been introduced, but not too much.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! I'm making everybody one year older because that makes more sense to me. I'll go back and change stuff in older chapters, but as of now here are their ages:

Alex: 16

John: 17

Hercules: 18 (senior)

Lafayette: 17

Angie: 17 (Senior)

Eliza: 16

Peggy: 16 (sophomore)

Thomas Jefferson: 16

Madison: 16

Maria Lewis: 16

BURR: 16

*Unmarked people are juniors. It's early in the year so they're mostly all 16

*John, Alex, and Laf all don't drive still

Okay, I hope that helps! 

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