Chapter Ten: Thomas is an Ass

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{AN: I guess the title is kind of a give-in at this point, but he's being especially ass-holian in this chapter. It's kind of short, but it's either this short one or a very very long one. And I prefer making more shorter chapters (because it looks like I write a lot when there are lots of chapters... lol) So yeah, enjoy!}

Hercules's pov:

"Hey, Hercules. HEY!" I hear Alex's voice behind me in the hall, but I ignore him. I'm already in a shitty mood because of the possibility that I might have screwed up some things for me and another person, then everyone ditched me at lunch and I think something happened to Lafayette, Alex was being kind of an ass earlier, and I probably failed my Ecology quiz while worrying about it all. So I don't exactly feel like talking to Alex right now. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to care and catches up to me, grabbing my shoulder to stop me walking away. I mean, he's tiny, so I could have kept walking anyways, but I kind of really want an explanation. So I stop and turn to face him.

"Hey, sorry for earlier. I was just kind of pissed at Aaron and I just argued for the sake of a debate," He says. "I - I didn't know you would get so upset about it. I'm sorry."

"I'm not actually that upset about that," I tell him. "I'm just kind of stressed out overall. And I'm not too happy that you all just ditched me at lunch."

"Sorry," He looks at the ground. "Lafayette just has something going on right now and we wanted to help him out."

"And I couldn't be a part of that?" I retort. "Come on! He's my friend just as much as yours, and if he's going through something, I want to help!" Alex just shifts on his feet and looks really uncomfortable. "What?"

"Umm, it's just kind of a personal thing," He mutters.

"What, you and John get to know and I don't? Really?" Alex looks really upset now, I feel kind of bad about it, but I also don't really care. I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on, and now he's refusing to tell me. What's happening to us?

"I- I, um..." He stutters, fidgeting with the shoulder of his backpack.

"What changed?" I practically shout. Alex doesn't respond and a few seconds later, I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Tibby.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks and I sigh.

"Nothing," I say. Alex's expression has changed to just plain sad and I feel a pang of guilt as he shrugs and walks away. But then Tibby leads me towards her jammed locker, and I have to pretend nothing happened.

Alex's pov:

I tried. I did try to apologize, but I guess I was apologizing for the wrong thing. I guess we were both just in bad moods and sapped at the wrong time, but I think Hercules's bad mood was for a more legitimate reason. He is the only one of the four of us who doesn't know about Laf, so I guess he is kind of left out. I really wish I could tell him what is going on, but I can't. I can't betray Lafayette like that. I heave a heavy sigh and sit on the ground. I really need to talk to John, he's perfect in this kind of situation. As I'm pulling out my phone to text him, Thomas appears.

"Aww, why so blue, child of mine?" He asks in a falsely sweet voice.

"Fuck off, Thomas," I reply coldly.

"Aww, what's the matter kitty?"

"I thought I told you to fuck off you dickfore."

"What the hell is a dickfore?"

"Well, I guess it makes sense that you wouldn't know... seeing as you've never used yours for anything other than a brain."

"You little shitbiscuit... you really want to go there?"

All the Stars (Modern Ham AU / LAMS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz