Chapter Four: Soccer, Waffles, and Lipstick

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{A.N. So this is mostly to introduce some important characters and get more lightheartedness going. I've been struggling with what to write because all of the things I planned to write take place later!!! Special thanks to moonsun34 and SunnyRose12 for helping me figure out what to write!!!}

〜The next morning at 11:17〜

Still John's pov:

I wake up to the faint sounds of chatting and snoring. That and an urgent need to pee. When I get back from the bathroom, I take a moment to look at my sleeping friends (I'm not a creeper, I swear). Hercules has fallen asleep sitting up, his head tipped sideways, and Lafayette is leaning against his arm, apparently oblivious to sounds reminiscent of a wounded warthog coming from my friend's mouth. Is there something going on between them? I wonder, thinking of Hercules blushing last night. I know he's bi, but I don't know about Lafayette. I decide to keep my eye out for any suspicious activity, then look for Alexander.

He is curled up like a kitten on the floor, slightly to the right of the couch. His blanket is tangled around his legs and his pillow is all the way across the room. His short stature combined with the look of innocent oblivion on his face transforms him into a child. Then he wakes up.

"Oh hey, John," He says sleepily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Hi," I say back. Still staring.

"Ah, what are you doing?" My face heats up and I turn away, slightly flustered that he caught me looking at him. Slightly flustered that I was actually looking at him.

"I'd better get dressed," I say quickly. As I'm digging through the bag I brought, I see my soccer shorts and my stomach drops. I have a match today, and it's at 11:30. It's 11:23. "SHIT!" I scream. Lafayette wakes up with a start and falls off of the couch.

"Merde! Qu'est-ce qui se passe?!?!" He shouts, looking around. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais?"

"I don't speak English, Laf!!!" I shout. He looks at me funny. "What?"

"You said you don't speak English, John," Alex informs me. "If that's so, what language have I been speaking my entire life?"


"Slow down, mon ami," Laf encourages. "What do you need?"


Everyone is silent for a minute, processing my information.

"Well, fuck. I guess you had better get dressed then." Alex says. I immediately jump up and race to the bathroom so fast that I trip over my bag and fall on my face.

Alex's pov:

"I had a dream where we were all cats, except all of us were girls and we lived in this old house with a plant. For some reason, you kept trying to eat the plant, but then a genie told us that it would give one of us insanity puke and Hercules-cat ate the geni and puked rainbows." Lafayette tells me thoughtfully.

"Wow, I had the exact same dream!"


"No, you idiot."


"I can't even remember my dream."

It is then that John races out of the bathroom, wearing some kind of sports uniform, and covered in glitter. "WE HAVE TO GO!!!!!" He screeches.

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