Chapter Eight: Another Sleepover (Part Two)

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{AN: I'M GOING TO SEE HAMILTON IN SAN FRANCISCO IN THREE DAYS AND I'M SO EXCITED!!!! It's the touring cast and not the original one but I don't care and the person playing Angelica has the coolest hair and ohmigod!!! Yeep, sorry. Since I'll be out of town, the next chapter might be a little late, but I'll try to write a lot when I get back. The good thing about doing very little editing is that I can publish chapters quickly! I also write pretty quickly, like I wrote this entire chapter in one day. Well, mostly, anyways. Also, I just did a quick internet research project on epilepsy and how to react to seizures and that kind of stuff, so if I get anything wrong - please tell me and I'll fix it. Also, in an earlier episode (the first, actually) I said that Maddie's medicine was a backup, but she actually takes it one or two times a day. I'll edit that, but just FYI. So, yeah, enjoy!}

Alex's pov:

I'm in the middle of winning at Scrabble when there is a crash from the kitchen and the sound of glass shattering. I jump up and am only beaten by Thomas. When we get there, we see Maddie, who is laying on the floor and convulsing, I think she's having a seizure.

I know that she's epileptic, and she's had a few seizures since I've been here, but most of them have been small ones, and I've never seen her like this. Thomas drops the remote he was holding and falls to his knees next to her.

"What do we do? Do we move her?" I ask, panicking slightly.

"Umm, I think so?" Thomas puts a hand under her head and she smacks him in the face. Unintentionally, but it still makes him jump. Then I feel an elbow in my ribs and look down to see James of all people shoving his way to the front.

"What time is it? Who has a watch or phone or something?" He asks. I unlock my phone and hand it to him. "Okay, it probably started about thirty seconds ago, so keep an eye on the time and tell me exactly how long it lasts. If it goes over three minutes, let me know."

"O- okay," I say taking the phone back.

"We need to move her since there is broken glass here," He tells us. "Thomas, help me carry her to the couch - watch your feet - everyone else, move!" Everyone standing in the way scatters to the side as they maneuver her to the couch. "Okay, lay her on her side. Alex, how long has it been going on?"

"Um, a minute and twenty seconds," I say.

"How long do her seizures usually last?" He asks.

"I don't frick- furdggerng- I don't know!" Thomas exclaims.

"Okay, somebody needs to get Martha or George, or both of them," He orders.

"George left earlier to take care of a problem with the bank and he's still not back," I say.

"What about Martha?"

"She went to help a friend with their sick baby," Eliza pipes up from the back of the group.

"Shit, ok, how long now?"

"About two and a half minutes," I tell him.

"Okay, shit. If it goes for over three minutes, we have to call 9-1-1. Somebody get your phone ready."

A few more seconds tick by, then Maddie goes limp.

Is she okay? Is she dead, oh please don't let her be dead. She's not dead. She's fine, she's fine, she's fine, she's fine, she's fi-

"How long did it last?" James asks. When I don't respond, John grabs my hand, tilting the phone screen so he can see it.

"About a minute and about forty-two seconds."

"Okay, that was close. Someone should call Martha. And George."

"I'm on it," John takes the phone and finds Martha's number on it. I'm still frozen to my spot and my legs feel numb. Then Maddie stirs and murmurs. She's ok, she's fine. She's fine.

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