~ 4

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Chapter 4 |

Kyela's Pov

I took a shower and put on a nightgown and started to climb into bed when my phone began to ring. I sighed thinking it could be Michael. Then again, no one rarely called that late unless something was wrong.

I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I answered.

"Kyela, it's Trina. I just need you to listen, okay?" She said with a croaky voice.

I turned on the lamp next to my bed, and my hands shook wildly. She had never talked to me this way before. "Okay," I said, shaken.

She began to talk, well cry almost. "I know I said I would come and visit you, but some things don't work out the way you hoped, you know? I'm sorry... I might not make it there soon, but I hope I can eventually. You've always been a great friend to me, you and Simone, and I... I can't thank you enough for that. I'm glad I saw how motherhood changed you, and I know you're a great mom, and Kees is in good hands, and I love his cute little cheeks," she giggled through her tears, and my stomach turned when I realized what she was saying, "I just hope you can forgive me for doing this..."

She got silent, and I was stunned.
"Trina?" I called to her, but there was no response. I realized she had hung up, so I called back. There was no answer. I must have called a hundred times before an automated robot voice revealed that the phone number wasn't in service.

I sat at the end of my bed thinking about what I could do and what this could mean. She couldn't seriously do this, she didn't mean this. I rocked back and forth all night until the sun rose. I heard my mom get ready for work, and I didn't even move when she left. The only thing that got me up was the fact that I was the only one to change Kees' dirty diaper and feed him when he woke up.

After that, I couldn't function, and I didn't want to put him in harm's way, so I placed him inside his playpen and gave him some toys to play with. I mindlessly flipped through TV channels until there was a loud banging on the front door. The banging scared Kees out of his pants, and he started to cry pitifully, sticking his lip out and everything. I picked him up and rushed to the door.

"Jeez, what happened to him?" Michael said, rushing to grab him from my arms.

I snapped, "You banging on the door! You scared us!"

He kissed Kees' head repeatedly and rubbed his back to get him to quiet down. He stepped further into the house and closed the door behind him. Kees was starting to do those little hiccups you get when you cry too hard, and I felt so bad for my poor little baby.

"What are you doing here?" I asked finally.

He sighed and started rocking the baby. "Did anybody call you last night?" He asked.

My memory instantly flashed to the call that kept me up all night.

"Yeah, why?" I asked skeptically.

He took a deep breath. "Nick just got called me... Trina shot herself last night," he said.

I stared at him blankly, and he just stared back. There was no word to describe how I felt in that moment. My body was stiff as a rock, my throat felt sore, and I couldn't even breathe. I hadn't even realized Michael wasn't in front of me anymore until I felt his hands on my shoulders guiding me to the couch.

"Kyela, I need you to breathe," he said.

I was still looking straight ahead with no ability to even turn my head. He touched my face, then my neck, then he pushed my hair to the side. "Kyela, please," he implored.

"Did she die?" I asked. He was silent for a second, but I felt him grab my hand and intertwine my fingers with his. "Michael, did she die?" I repeated.

"This morning," he whispered.

A shriek-like noise escaped my throat as tons of emotions all rushed into me at the same exact time. My body gave out, and I fell into Michael's lap and gripped him as tight as I could. I bawled until my loud cries just faded into wails, and he held me the entire time making me feel the most secure than I had felt in the last two months.

I was weak and couldn't move. I had put all of my energy into crying until my tear ducts were dry, so Michael picked me up into his arms and carried me to my bed where he cut off the lamp and put a blanket over me. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Shh, you need rest," he said before walking out of the room and shutting the door. He couldn't have been more right because I didn't stay awake long after he walked out.

Welp. What do you think is coming up?

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