~ 23

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Chapter 23 |

Marlon's POV

Michael came jogging down the stairs and into the living room where we am waited on him. He sat down on the arm of the chair that Kyela was sitting on, and she placed her hand on his leg while waiting on him to speak.

"We can't be sitting ducks anymore, guys," he said.

He looked down at the floor and scratched at his chin. Most of us shifted in our seats.

"Nick is out of jail now, so he'll be back with us sooner than later, but I don't want to bother him right now, so I don't know how much help he'll be for a while. It's on us solely," he said.

Kyela cleared her throat, and Michael looked at the floor again.
"I mean, Kyela still has her crew in New York, so some of them are going to be coming down to help out until we get a grip on everything," Michael added.

"Everything?" Randy questioned.

"Pretty sure the guy from the junkyard is a person on interest," I mumbled while rubbing my hands together.

Rebbie scoffed, "There was more than one, so what do you mean 'the guy'?"

Michael folded his arms, and Kyela sighed. "Do you have some extra information on this guy or something?" Michael asked

I glared at him, but he didn't budge with that same challenging stare. I shook my head, and he nodded. Kyela looked around and noticed all of the glum faces just as I had.

"He's been following us. I ran into him more than once, but it never occurred to me that he was bothering you guys too," she mentioned.

Janet folded her arms. "Okay, he's easy. He'll find his way back to us, and we pin him down and get him there, right? But this bitch on the other hand? Where are we supposed to find her exactly or get ahold of her in general?"

Michael looked at me. "Marlon," he said.

I stared at the floor. "What?"

"Do you know where she is?" Jermaine asked.

I groaned, "How would I know where she is?"

Michael stood up and clenched his fists.

"You expect us to believe that you don't know where she is? For almost an entire year, you wouldn't even come around because you two were just so damn inseparable! I'm supposed to believe that she just walked out on you, and you had no idea? You know something..." He insinuated.

I stood up too. I looked him in the eye and clenched my own fists.

"You just think you're so sure about every damn thing, Michael, and you don't know shit. You think I'm really going to betray my own family for some girl-"

"You did," Michael stated as he took a step closer. Kyela jumped to her feet and tried to pull him back, but he didn't budge.

"I don't know where she is, Michael," I snarled.

Michael rolled his eyes at me and took a deep breath.

"You need to find out where she is, Marlon. She tried to hurt my child, and she probably hurt yours too," he pointed out.

"Why do you always do this?" I grumbled.

I marched up to him and shoved him right in the chest, making him stumble backwards. He wasted no time in shoving me backwards and I fell onto the couch. I didn't realize that Kyela was sitting down clutching her stomach. Michael snapped out of his angry trance to tend to her along with Rebbie.

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