~ 34

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Chapter 34 |

Third Person Pov

Janet inched her way over to the next window where she could see movement within the room. It used to be Joseph's office. She peeked in and saw Regan having a wound tended to by a tall man. Janet could tell that they were pretty close by the way they were looking at each other, and she sighed. That was just one way to add insult to injury.

Janet kept going past the window until she hit the corner and tried her hardest to touch the ledge of the next window with her foot. She thought she had got it, but her foot slipped off, and she grabbed the gutter in a panic. Her heart was racing, and she felt like it was going to explode at that moment. She took a deep breath and a leap of faith to reach the next window. As soon as she did, she heard the window open from around the corner.

"Cal? Is that you?" The man yelled down.

Janet held her breath to the point where she thought she would pass out. She heard footsteps in the grass.

"What is it, boss?" Cal asked as he neared the corner.

There was a silence for a moment. "I thought I heard something. Did you?"

There was silence again followed by the sound of the window closing and the footsteps in the grass receding. Janet released her breath and looked around the house and yard for anybody approaching. She picked with the window, knowing that this one also had a secret way to open it. It used to be Michael's room when he was younger and still living under Joseph. Joseph never touched the room even though Michael hated him and swore he would never move back in.

"It has to be around here somewhere," Janet whispered to herself.

She felt around the edges at least five times to find the button to open the window. Then, she remembered that it was actually on the top of the window. She clicked the button and caught the window before it crashed it the wall. It was basically like a door.

Janet heard a squeaking sound as she entered the room. Then the grinding of metal followed that. As Janet walked further into the room, the grinding got faster, and Janet rushed to the wall to find a light switch.

A wide-eyed Kyela and a sleepy Michael stared at Janet with confusion.

"What are you doing?" Janet whispered.

Michael sighed and closed his eyes.

"He was asleep," Kyela explained.

"And you're hurting my arm," he groaned.

"Shh!" Kyela and Janet both said.

Janet rotated her watch that exposed a small blade and went to pick the lock on the handcuffs holding the two of them together. When she freed them, they both massaged their wrists that were slightly blistered. Michael immediately tried to get off the bed, but Janet stopped him from doing so.

"What?" He asked her.

Janet looked at both of them and shrugged.

"I think you should wait. Wait until someone comes in here. We'll take them down one by one," Janet suggested.

"Have you seen Regan?" Kyela asked.

Janet pointed behind them, and they both sighed in defeat. Kyela looked around the room and decided to remove the handcuffs from the bedframe. The scraped the inner piece against the bed.

Janet gestured for her to be quiet urgently.

"She's been doing this for hours, and nobody's came in here yet," Michael said.

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