~ 36

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Chapter 36 |
Michael's Pov

We all headed towards the garage, but we heard the garage door opening.

I gestured quickly back to the room that we came from, and we all ran in there. We could hear the people from upstairs running out of the front door, someone squabbling outside, and then the door slams.

We run the opposite direction of the front door and run into the master bedroom. It's large and spacious with dusty old furniture. Then, we head footsteps coming from the bathroom. I gesture for Kyela and Rebbie to hide somewhere while Jermaine and I stand against the wall to be undetected.

Kyela's Pov

Rebbie and I scramble to slide underneath the California King together while Michael and Jermaine prepare to ambush whoever comes out of the bathroom.

The footsteps grow closer, and I hear a struggle between the three guys before someone gets dropped on the floor. They struggle some more, and then stop suddenly. They whisper quietly to each before Michael taps my leg with his foot.

Rebbie and I warily emerge from underneath the bed and see Michael and Jermaine standing there with Randy. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Marlon's not dead?" Michael asked.

Randy shakes his head. "He came looking for Janet after he got the second guy," Randy told us.

"Second? He got two? Well... we got three, so there can't be—" Rebbie started.

"It's a few outside," Randy said.

"Where's Janet?" Michael asked.

Randy shrugged. He handed Rebbie a gun, and he gave Michael a pocket knife.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Jermaine asked.

"Now is not the time for dumb questions... We need to gut that bitch first," Michael said. A shiver ran up my spine.

"We don't know if she came back in the house," I said to Michael.

"But she's been staying in the office," Michael said. He pondered on the thought for a moment. Then he grabbed my hand and started pulling me out the room. "We're going to wait for her. You guys get out," Michael commanded.

Michael and I walked out in the open of the foyer by the front door. There were two large spiral staircases that went upstairs, and I followed Michael through the upper level of the house.

As we turned the last corner, we were stopped by two guys with angry looks. There was no time to think, so Michael immediately drew his gun and shot both of them. One of their guns had gone off and shot the wall behind us. Michael and I stepped over them and bursted through the office door. Michael immediately peered out of the window. The sun was slowly making its way into the sky.

"I only see three guys outside, and I don't see her," he said.

I stood off to the side of the door. "What about regg—"

"Nope, not out there either," he said.

Directly beneath our feet, we heard some rumbling going on. A gunshot flew through floor, and I jumped.

"Fuck," Michael groaned. He checked the amount of bullets he had in his gun.

The rumbling quieted down, yet it was moving across the floor. We followed the noise until we got back out to the foyer and saw Janet and Marlon being manhandled by about five guys.

Michael shot one in the arm, so another one turned and shot back at us. We ducked behind the wall, and we heard Janet wriggle herself free. When I peeked out. She had something wrapped around one of Marlon's attackers' neck, and he was turning blue. Michael popped out to shoot the only one who shot back.

Marlon had enough strength to pry one guy off of him and punch him in the eye. Janet kicked the last guy in the back so hard that his forehead left a hole in the wall, and he wavered back and forth for a second before dropping to the ground.

The first guy that Michael shot was running out of the front door.

I heard some sort of ripping noise from behind me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Taking this cast off my arm. It's so fucking irritating," he complained.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked towards the stairs.

Michael pulled me back. "What are you doing?!"

"She's definitely gonna come in here now. Let's go," I told him.

We ran down the stairs. We helped Marlon to his feet, and I couldn't help but examine his face since it was swollen and bloody.

He was out of breath and sweaty. "They're... out... outside," he managed to get out.

The three of us helped him into the living room since he was limping and bleeding out of one eye.

As soon as we got into the living room, Janet rushed us to duck down behind the couch. The large window shattered and three bullets flew into the room. One bullet flew through the couch in between Janet and I's head.

Janet jumped up first and fired two shots at them. She ducked back down, breathing heavy. She looked at me and shook her head.

Two more shots came at us.

I jumped up next, fired one shot in his direction, then I sat back down. Now I'm down to two bullets.

"It's Reggie," I said.

Another shot flew at us. This time it landed at Marlon's feet.

Michael hopped up and fired his gun at Reggie three times.

There were no shots back.

"He left," Michael said to us. We all slowly crawled out from behind the couch. Marlon slowly stood to his feet.

As Michael neared the broken window in an attempt to find Reggie, Reggie emerged from the doorway to the other room and put Michael in a chokehold. He was holding him so tight that Michael was turning red.

Janet shot at him and manages to hit Reggie in the leg. His knee buckled, but he kept his composure – and his grip– to hold Michael down.

Michael was so focused on trying to get Reggie off of him that he couldn't reach his gun. His eyes were pleading with me to help him, and I felt stable enough to reach for my gun quick enough. I hit Reggie in the neck, and he loosened his grip immediately, but he was standing for a few seconds before ultimately falling down.

Michael hit the ground and tried to catch his breath.

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