~ 38

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Chapter 38 |
Michael's Pov

The world stopped for a second after my gun went off.

Kyela fell to the ground on her hands and knees and crawled over to where I was. Her breathing was extremely heavy, and I made her sit down. I wasn't breathing as hard as she was, but I still needed a moment. I took my shirt off and ripped it to make it longer as a tourniquet for Kyela.

She let me tie it around her. I sat there and my eyes began to wander until they landed on Marlon's lifeless body in the middle of the floor.

I rubbed at my eyes to fight the tears that were brimming. Kyela squeezed my hand for comfort or reassurance– I'm not sure which.

Footsteps echoed behind us, and I sprang up from the floor, but it was just Randy and Jermaine walking in.

"I think that's all of 'em," Randy said.

I nodded.

"Is that Marlon?" Jermaine asked.

I nodded again. Both of their faces froze.

"Where's Rebbie?" I asked nervously.

Jermaine pointed towards the front door. "She got hit, so we left her with Tyler and Tito in the car," he said.

All of us turned our attention to Janet who was lying on the floor unconscious. Randy bent down and rolled her over.

"She's out cold," he said.

Jermaine smacked Randy in the chest. Randy and Jermaine lifted Janet up and carried her towards the door.

"Whoa. Whoa, what about the bitch in the kitchen?"

Jermaine shrugged. "What about her?"

I shrugged as well.

"We're gonna be on the way out in a sec," I told them.

They carried Janet out of the room, and I slid back down to the floor with Kyela. Her eyes were closed, and she was pale.

"Please wake up," I whispered.

"Mhm," she said, "I'm awake."

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

She simply nodded. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to lift her, but she winced in pain.

"I can walk," she said as she attempted to get up from the floor.

I swooped her up anyway, and she groaned loudly. She nestled her head into my neck, and I carried her out the door with the rest of my family.

• • •

Kyela's Pov

I woke up with blurry vision that took a minute to adjust. The room was dark and silent. I noticed a shadow in the corner.

I tried to call his name, but it was more of an incoherent mumble. He heard me anyway.

"You up?" He asked.

Again, I couldn't really speak.

"Don't strain too hard. We gave you a sedative," Michael said.

He stood up and came over to me.

I opened my mouth. "Where..." was all I could get out.

He rubbed my forehead softly.

"Your old house?" I whispered.

He nodded. "Where it all started," he said.

He sat next to me on the bed. I couldn't keep my eyes open though.

"This was the closest safe space," he explained.

"I'm gonna get up," I told him.

"No, you can't." He responded.

"The kids..." I mumbled. I opened my eyes.

"They are safe and sound. Your mother too," he assured me, "You need to heal– at least a little bit."

He was right because I didn't have any strength to respond right away. I closed my eyes again, but I was trying not to fall asleep.

"Kye?" He called. I didn't answer him. "Alright... I'll let you re–"

"How are... are you feeling?" I stammered.

He didn't answer me.

"Michael..." I coaxed him.

He cleared his throat. "I'm good, I'm fine," he said with no confidence.

I wanted to grab his hand and hold it, but I had no energy whatsoever.

"Lay with me..." I breathed, "please?"

Michael didn't move for a few seconds before he crawled over me and pulled the blankets over himself while snuggling in with me.

He sighed.

"I'm so sorry for everything," he said once he settled into bed.

"I... forgave you," I started, "A long time ago."

Michael gently caressed my hand and kissed my cheek. He sniffled a few times, and I knew he was crying. I could feel his pain, and I felt useless.

"I love you. Now get some rest," he demanded softly.

I tried to smile but it felt more like a smirk. Without anymore words to say, I drifted off to sleep.

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